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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

854 INDEX Mizuno, T., degree, 539 Moberley, E . S., degree, 822 Mock, Forest, appointment, 32, 475 Moffett, D . R., degree, 361 Mohlman, F . W., appointment, 31, 57 Mohr, Alba A., degree, 352 Mohr, G., appointment, 287 Mohr, Louis, degree, 357 Molloy, T . F., offer for Rantoul farm, 123 purchase farm, 136, 512 Molyneaux, Juniata O., degree, 352 Moncrieff, J. W., degree, 820 Money, authority to receive, 722 Monfort, W . F., appointment, 568 Monohon, Ila E., degree, 818 Monroe, W . S., appointment, 761 Monroe, G. S., degree, 353 final honors, 371 special honors, 371 Monteith, John, Jr., scholarship, 297 Montgomery, T . L., degree, 353 Montooth, C. S., degree, 540 Moodie, R. L., appointment, 109. 524 Moody, A. L., appointment, 473 Moody, D . L., appointment, 32 Moor, H . W., appointment, 569, 732 degree, 353 Moore, A. R., degree, 817 Moore, C. J., degree, 825 Moore, E . S., appointment, 118, 515 Moore, F . D., appointment, 118, 516 Moore, H . F., appointment, 45, 762 Moore, H . W., appointment, 475 Moore, Irene Holbrook, degree, 351 honors, 371 scholarship, 285 Moore, J. J., appointment, 112, 525 Moore, Mabel E., degree, 360 Moore, Mildred, 496, appointment, 569 Moore, O. H., appointment, 37, 480 Moore, Sara E., degree, 817 Moore, W . A , degree, 823 Moore, W . K., degree, 822 Moorehead, F . B., appointment, 115, 559 Moran, Katherine M., degree, 360 More, Hermon, appointment, 732 Morey, Clara A., degree, 352 Morey, Lloyd, acting comptroller, 68, 165, 481 appointment, 24, 467, 569 Board of Prison Industries, 237 Bohemian settlement dispensary, 237 delegated to sign vouchers, 64 insurance on Chicago buildings, 238 printing, 186 report, 141, 211 salary of, 106 securities, 340 Smith farm leases, 233 Morgan, M a y M., degree, 352 Morin, O. E., degree, 824 Morison, A. T . , appointment, 48 Morita, H., degree, 819 Morkel, W . A. It., appointment, 50, 165 Morphy, E . D., 498 Morphy, E . W., appointment, 55 Morris, Caroline R., appointment, 28, 471 Morris, J. L., appointment, 525 Morris, N . M., degree, 357 Morris, R. W., appointment, 118, 119, 515 Morrison, I. G., degree, 359 Morrison, R. L., degree, 368 Morrison, W . R., degree, 361 Morrow, J. A., appointment, 56 Morton, A. H . , appointment, 620 Morton, I., appointment, 165, 475 Mosher, Edna, appointment, 34, 477 Meyer, C. A., appointment, 165, 516 Meyer, Ferdinand, appointment, 26, 469 Meyerovitz, Max, appointment, 516 degree, 822 Meyers, Lulu, 494, appointment, 51 Meyers, M . A., appointment, 678 Michalovitch, Nick, appointment, 108 Mickle, F . L., appointment, 57 degree, 539 Middleton, Edith A., degree, 353 Middleton, J. G., degree, 820 Midkiff, J. H., degree, 359 Mikami, Gora, degree, 364 Miles, E., appointment, 30 Miles, Evelyn A., degree, 818 Miles, Lois M., appointment, 24 Military department additional units, 189 attaches, titles, 181 camps and range, 258 commandant, 501 credit for seniors who enter service, 282 curriculum proposed, 669 equipment, 13 expense, 12 four-year curriculum, 744 hygiene lectures, 201 inspection, 333 instruction—G. O., 49, 128 instructors and uniforms, 383 junior training camps, 334 land for range, 206 leave of absence for staff members who enlist, 294 office room for, 239 property and list of insurance, 609 salaries, 29, 133, 245, 455 scholarships, 471 service leave for, 536 service, wages of employees in, 3 supplies bond, 136, 739 supplies insurance, 273 training course, 205 uniforms, contract 1918-19, 748 Millar, F . H . , scholaiship, 284 Millar, P . H., degree, 826 Miller, A. R., degree, 820 Miller, C. F., appointment, 32, 467, 568 Miller, C. T., degree, 363 Miller, D . A., degree, 820 Miller, Eva G., appointment, 38 Miller, F . K., appointment, 399, 628 Miller, G. A., appointment, 37, 280, 478 Miller, Hazel, Smith scholarship, 386 Miller, H . W., appointment, 40, 42, 568 leave of absence, 672 Miller, J. E., appointment, 36, 478, 678 degree, 369 Miller, M . H., degree, 824 Miller, W . P., degree, 822 Miller, W . S., degree, 369 Miles, L. E., appointment, 473 Mills, Matthew, appointment, 118, 517 Miner, M . A., 497, appointment, 334, 399 Mining investigations, cooperative, 282, 630 Engineering, 486 salaries, 43 Mink, D . L., degree, 819 Minkema, W . H., degree, 357 Minutes approved, 135, 179, 193, 246, 271, 291, 329, 375, 397, 449, 507, 603, 623, 639, 721, 735 Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 63, 203 Mitchell, C. W., appointment, 568 Mitchell, D . R , degree, 822 final honors, 832 Mitchell, H . H., appointment, 49, 165 Mitchell, L. O., degree, m
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