UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 857]

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Lawrence, R . H . , commission, 373 degree, 357 Layng, T . E., appointment, 164, 567 patent coking process, 754 Layton, W . K., appointment, 164, 278, 476 degree, 649, 831 Leach, J. J., appointment, 515 Leach, M . E., degree, 365 Leaman, Olga E., 498, appointment, 164 Leander, E . I., degree, 356 Lease, Illinois Union building, 743 Smith farms, 726 Y . M . C. A. building, 751 Leatherman, Marion, appointment, 27, 470 Lebeson, H . , appointment, 567 Lectures, 13, appropriation, 456 semi-centennial, 196 Ledbetter, R. A., deed for land, 202 LeDeuc, Charles, appointment, 39, 481 Lee, A. C , degree, 356 Lee, A. R., appointment, 24, 466, 677 Lee, Carl, degree, 363 Lee, E . S., appointment, 567, 773 Lee, H . R., appointment, 32 Lee, Ping-Fun, degree, 821 Lee, T a o N a n , degree, 830 Lee, T . L., degree, 649 Leenheer, C. A., appointment, 210 Legacy to University Jesse Barker, 549 from A. B . Jenkins, 240 Legal Counsel, expense, 12 salaries, 25, 455, 467 Legal services, N o r t h case, 171 Leggitt, Frank, degree, 359 final honors, 372 Leggitt, F . W., degree, 649, 830 Legislative Reference Bureau, budget request, 137, 170 Lehenbauer, P . A., appointment, 495 Lehman, L. H . , degree, 356 Lehman, R u t h T . , degree, 818 Leighty, W . R., 490, appointment, 47 Leiser, S. B., degree, 362 Leist, C , degree, 817 Leitzbach, Elizabeth, degree, 817 Lemp, J. F., degree, 353 Lendman, A. N . , degree, 356 Lennon, Lillian, appointment, 164 Lenzen, A. F., degree,352 Lenzor, Reuben, appointment, 116, 164 Leonard, E . F., appointment, 118, 515 Leonard, R u t h , appointment, 627 degree, 824 Lerch, Edward, degree, 355 Leslie, Madge C., degree, 352 Less, Carl, degree, 363 Lessing, O. E., appointment, 35, 478, 761 Lett, H . H., degree, 821 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 42, 485 Levinson, Abraham, appointment, 119, 515 Levinson, M . C , degree, 355 Levinson, S. A., degree, 361 Lewin, Philip, appointment, 120 Lewis, C. D., degree, 365 Lewis, H . B., appointment, 31, 277, 474, 760 Lewis, H . F., appointment, 567 Lewis, H . S., appointment, 760 Lewis, J . T., appointment, 269 commission, 373 degree, 355 Lewis & Company, bill, 201 Lewison, Maurice, appointment, 118, 515 Lewman, R u t h L., scholarship, 285 Li, S. K., degree, 354 Liability, employers', 176


Liberal Arts and Sciences, college of expenses, 13 salaries, 29, 456, 472 Liberman, D . L., degree, 824 Libman, Anita, degree, 817 B'nai B'rith prize, 372 Libman, E . E., appointment, 567 Libra ry^ additions, 12 building, projected appropriation for, 100 expense, 12, 23 purchase of books, 256, 754 salaries, 25, 55, 455, 466, 468, 498 stock room addition, 723, 745 temporary catalogers, 67 Lichner, Mathilda O., appointment, 120, 516 Lichtenberger, Cleo, appointment, 26, 469 Lichty, L. C , appointment, 43 Lidman, E . E., appointment, 483 Lieber, R u t h E., degree, 816 Liedel, R. B., degree, 361 Lies, A. N . , Hazelton Gold Medal, 373 Lienhardt, H . F., 492 Lietz, Louise A., 484, appointment, 41 Lillethun, Myrtle, appointment, 24 Lin, T . K., degree, 354 Lincoln, C. H . , appointment, 70 Lincoln, C. W., appointment, 398 Lincoln Hall, projected addition t o , 100 Lincoln, R. G., degree, 363 Lindeberg, G. L., degree, 819 Linder, M a i y S., degree, 352 Lindholm, Josephine, appointment, 26, 469, 567 Lindsey farm assigned, 276 offered, 137 purchase, 180 Lindsey, J. R., appointment, 269, 398 commission, 373 degree, 359 Lindsey, L. M., degree, 357 Linendoll, H . A., degree, 353 Linkins, R . H . , appointment, 38 Linnard, E . W., degree, 359 Linsley, C. M., 490, appointment, 48 Litman, Simon, 482, appointment, 39, 760 Little, A.-D., degree, 355 Little, Ethel E., degree, 352 Little, R. F . , appointment, 241, 677 Littleton, A. C , 481, appointment, 39, 760 degree, 826 Littrell, D . B., appointment, 677 Livestock advisory committee nominations, 238 Livingston, A. E., appointment, 100, 164, 525 Liu, Nai Yu, degree, 819 Liu, Yi, degree, 827 Llewellyn, Hazel I., degree, 817 Lloyd, J . W., 494, appointment, 51 Lloyde, D . H . & Company, use of seal, 64 Loan fund, pharmacy, 297 Lockwood, Isabel K., degree, 817 Locomotive feed-water heating, tests, 183 tests on, 550 Logan, F . A., degree, 354 Loehnis, F., given laboratory facilities, 633, 671 Long, Florence, degiee, 828 fellowship, 285 Long, L. F . , degree, 353 Long, Ping Kwan, degree, 821 Long, R u t h L , degree, 817 Loomis, C. B., degree, 359 Loomis, M e t t a M . , appointment, 114, 527 Loomis, R. S., appointment, 34, 164, 476 Looney, J . L., degree, 821 Lopez, M . L., 480, appointment, 37, 281, 763 degree, 827 Lorch, G. J., appointment, 118, 515 Loring, J . B., appointment, 118