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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
844 Fulton, Edward, appointment. 33, 476 leave of absence, 238 Fulton, R., appointment, 674 Funds, classification of, 68 merging of, 62 Fungi, P o r t o Rican, Steven's collection, 174 Funk, B., appointment, 564 Funk, R. R., appointment, 565 Funk, R u t h , S., appointment, 675 degree, 360 Furby, R. L., appointment, 120, 515 Gaardner, R. H . J., degree, 819 Gabriel, C. K., degree, 823 Gaddis, Jessie M., # degree, 389, 604 Gaelic, fellowship in, 180 Gage, J. H., scholarship, 766 Gaines, W . L., appointment, 771 Galbraith, John, appointment, 209, 522 Gale, R. A., degree, 821 Gallaher, H . T., degree, 356 Gallie, D . M . , appointment, 115, 559 Galpin, Stella B., appointment, 26, 470 Galster, Augusta E., degree, 816 Gamble, W . E., appointment, 117 Gantz, H . S., degree, 358 Gantz, R. A., appointment, 30, 473 degree, 827 Gardner, M . , degree, 816 Garner, J. W., appointment, 37, 479 Garraghan, E . F . , appointment, 119, 517 Garrett, F . W., appointment, 47, 490 Garrison, N . L., appointment, 162 G a r t h , C. T . , degree, 354 Garver, N . B., 484, appointment, 41 Garvin, M a r y B., degree, 540 Garwood, Frances, appointment, 34, 477 Garwood, Helen, appointment, 5 1 , 494 Gary, Jesse L , degree, 820 Garza, Roman de la, degree, 820 Gates, Fannie C , appointment, 5, 162, 471 leave of absence, 668 residence of women, 203 Gathercoal, E . N . , appointment, 58, 497 Gatward, W . A., 488, appointment, 45 Gauger, Marguerite E., degree, 365 Gaunt, Gail, degree, 816 Gaut, Rosa L., appointment, 28, 471 Gaviria, A., degree, 825 Gaynor, Gertrude G., appointment, 675 Gehrig, A. G., appointment, 330 degree, 540 Gehring, N . J., appointment, 162 Gehrman, A., appointment, 117, 675 Geiger, L. C , degree, 819 scholarship, 766 Geiling, E . M . E., degree, 368 Geip, M a r y , appointment, 626 Geissler, L. R., appointment, 337 Genera] departments, expense, 12 salaries, 25 General Engineering drawing, salaries, 42 General expenses, 13 Genson, Marjorie H., degree, 351 Gentle, G. E., 490, appointment, 47 Geological Survey, agreement, 630 Geology, expense, 14 salaries, 35, 457, 477 George, H . E., degree, 822 George, L. G., degree, 361 Gerke, R. H., degree, 649, 830 special honors, 831 Gerlach, Alma, degree, 818 German, expense, 14 salaries, 35, 457, 478 Gernert, W . B., 490, appointment, 47 Gernon, G D., degree, 823 INDEX Gerten, Nicholas, degree, 356 Geselbracht, H . C , commission, 373 degree, 358 Geyer, Helen, appointment, 32 Gher, Vera K., appointment, 162, 470 Gherganoff, P., degree, 820 Gibbons, M a u d A., degree, 351 Gibbs, S. E., appointment, 771 Gibson, H . E., appointment, 51 Gibson, R. A., degree, 354 Gibson, Sylvia R., degree, 351 Giddings, M a t e L., degree, 353 Giertz, A. E., degree, 356 Gifford, R. E., degree, 354 Gift of land for Agricultural experimentation, 202 Gift of McKinley Hospital, 194 Gilbert, Barry, appointment, 5, 55 Gilchrist, Virgil, appointment, 287 degree, 362 Gilkerson, H . C , 490, appointment, 47 G i l l , H . L., appointment, 28, 281, 471, 763, 771 Gillen, T- H., degree, 820 Gillet, j . E., appointment, 35, 480, 763 Gilman, Dorothy, 481 Gilmore, R. E., appointment, 31 degree, 236, 371 Gilpatrick, Gladys, degree, 360 Girhard, H . R., degree, 816 Girls, cooperative houses, 537 Gitzke, Carl, appointment, 107 Given, Ethel A., degree, 824 Gjelsness, R., appointment, 565 Glasgow, R. D., appointment, 34, 279, 477, 761 Glassco, R u t h M., degree, 360 final honors, 372 Gleason, F . E., appointment, 675, 771 Glenn, Eleanor M., appointment, 42 Glick, E . E., 490, appointment, 48 Glover, A. C., 488, appointment, 46 Godeke, H . F., 485, appointment, 43 degree, 828 Godlove, I. H., appointment, 162, 474, 565 fellowship, 766 Goebel, Julius, appointment, 35, 478 Goelitz, W . A., degree, 821 Goettler, Edna A , degree, 353 Goettsche, H . C , C. P . A. certificate, 765 Goetz, Antoinette H., appointment, 26 Gogerty, H . L., degree, 355 Goldberg, Charlotte D., degree, 351 Goldblatt, L., degree, 823 Golden, W . E., degree, 362 Goldman, Benjamin, degree, 363 Goldman, F . L., degree, 355 Goldman, M . S., degree, 365 fellowship, 284 Goldschmidt, Erna C , degree, 818 Goldsmith, Margaret L., degree, 365 Golf Club, dues, 386 Golinkin, A. L , degree, 357 Golub, Samuel, degree, 362 Gonnerman, H . F., 488, appointment, 45 Gooch, Mabel M., degree, 351 Goodenough, G. A., appointment, 42, 282, 485 Goodkind, M . L., appointment, 117, 514 Goodman, Byne, appointment, 675 Goodrich, Elizabeth, appointment, 471 Goodspeed, W . S., appointment, 42, 484 Goodyear, H . M., appointment, 241 Gordon, Marie A., appointment, 40, 162, 481 Gorey, G. F., degree, 357 Goiman, F . L., degree, 825 Goss, W . F . M., appointment, 40, 45 letter tests, 183 purchase of house, 239, 252, 253 resignation, 256 Gould, A. R., degree, 540
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