UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 849]

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Fehrenkamp, Winifred, 483, appointment, 41 Feige, F . J., degree, 363 Feldenthal, Leontine, appointment, 162 Fellows, M . C , degree, 825 Fellowships, 296, 766 and scholarships, 23 appropriations, 464 graduate, 194, 284, 669 Felsenthal, Emma, appointment, 27, 55, 469, 498 Felt, Alice H., scholarship, 285 Felton, H . N , degree, 356 Felz, J. H., degree, 362 Ferguson, Alice M., degree, 817 Ferguson, Constance W , appointment, 730 fellowship, 285 Ferguson, G. A., degree, 355 Ferguson, H . F., appointment, 57 Fernsemer, O. F . W., appointment, 35, 279, 478 Fetherston, J. E., appointment, 626 degree, 816, 824 Ferving, Alphonse, degree, 363 Ficke, C. H., scholarship, 297 Fieg, Robert, appointment, 30, 473 Fielding, C , appointment, 626 Fiftieth anniversary celebration, 65, 66 Fikret, H . H., appointment, 771 Filbey, E . J., appointment, 466 Filby, Edward J., appointment, 24 File, Viola L., degree, 360 Finance Committee, M r . Taggart appointed to, 206 Findlay, E . K., appointment, 118 Fink, Madge, appointment, 24 Finley, J. O , degree, 358 Finley, Margaret A., degree, 816 scholarship, 766 Finley, M . R., degree, 358 Finn, E . M., degree, 355 Finney, H . A., C. P . A. certificate, 302 Fire-fighting equipment, 527, 634 Fire in Chemistry building, 133 in Physics building, 176 in power plant, 504 Fire protection, 240 Fireprotection, buildings, in Chicago, 171 Fisch, M . E., degree, 361 Fischer, A. H . R., appointment, 619 Fischer, W . R., degree, 823 Fischmann, E . W., appointment, 118, 516 Fisher, F . A.,_ 490, appointment, 47 Fisher farm listed, 753 Fisher, H . E., degree, 357 Fishman, A. T., degree, 367 Fishman. S. L., degree, 818 Fisk, F . H., degree, 823 Fisk, I. W., 484, appointment, 42 Fitch, H . J., degree, 358 Fites, H . B., degree, 358 Fitz-Gerald, J. D., appointment, 37, 4S0, 763 Fitz-Gerald, Leora A., degree, 827 Fitzgerell, S. S., degree, 540 Flagstaff, erection of, 332 proposed, 249 Flanders, Annette H., degree, 650, 830 Flangher, R. G., degree, 358 Flannery, C. A., degree, 357 Flannery, R. E., appointment, 108, 516 Flattery, Amanda, appointment, 26, 469 Fleming, D . F., appointment, 330 Fleming, Georgia E., 496, appointment, 53 Fleming, J. H , degree, 355 final honois, 372 Fleming, J. R., appointment, 564, 626 Fleming, V. R., 486. appointment, 44 Fletcher, E. C , appointment, 108, 522 Flexer, Edna H., 496, degree, 817 Flock, Marguerite P . , degree, 816


Flock, W. J., degree, 358 Flom, G. T., appointment, 35, 478 Florian, A. H., degree, 825 Folsom, J. W , appointment, 34, 279, 477, 761 Fonda, J. E., appointment, 626 Fontaine, E. O., appointment, 27, 468, 674 Footitt, F . F., appointment, 3 1 , 488 Forbes, G. R., appointment, 30, 472 Forbes, S. A , appointment, 34, 477 Forbrich, M r s . J. R., pharmacy loan fund, 297 Ford, E . J., appointment, 626 Ford, H . L., appointment, 209 degree, 823 Ford, J. A., appointment, 31 Ford, J. T., appointment, 474 degree, 828 Foreign Students, adviser, salary, 455, 468 Formhals, W. J., degree, 825 Forsythe, Arthur, appointment, 108, 522 Forty, D., degree, 820 Foster, F . H . , appointment, 28 Foster, F . W., degree, 820 Foster, G. H . , degree, 353 Foster, L. R., degree, 365 Foulke, R. E., degree, 820 Fox, J. L., degree, 355, 360 final honors, 372 Fox, Leona M., appointment, 564 Fox, Lucia B., degree, 822 Fox, N . H., degree, 361 Frain, Nellie, 674 Frame, Grace B., degree, 351 Francis, Edward, appointment, 119 Francis, Helen E., degree, 365 Francisco, S. A., degree, 362 Frank, Edwin, appointment, 43 Franklin, H . V., degree, 362 Franzwa, C. F., degree, 362 Frarv, H . D., appointment, 70, 280, 479, 674 degree, 829 Frase, K. W., degree, 825 Fraser, J. H . , degree, 361 Fraser, Thomas, degree, 357 Fiaser, W . J., 493, appointment, 50 Frazel, C. S., appointment, 44 Frazier, J. Z , degree, 821 final honors, 832 Frederick, E . M., degree, 358 Freeman and Brooks, plans for settlement with, 97 Freeman, C. B., degree, 825 Freeman, Marie, 496, appointment, 53 Freeman-Sweet Company, contract, Pharmacy building, 2 Freer, Louise, appointment, 28, 471 letter, caretaker, 186 Freitag, Vina, degree, 822 French, C. E., scholarship, 285 French, H . E., appointment, 32, 474 degree, 364 French, R. L., appointment, 771 Frey, H . O., degree, 820 Frick, A. H., degree, 649, 830 Fried, H . N., degree, 357 Friedley, A. C , degree, 825 Frisk, J. A., 485, appointment, 43 Frison, T . H . , degree, 816 honors, 831 scholarship, 766 Fritz, H . R., degree, 367 Froberg, Eric, appointment, 108, 523 Frues, E . C , 487 Fry, A. S., degree, 828 Fry, H . G., injuries, 183 Fuel tests, progress of, 200 Fulks, E . B., letter, coking process, 754 Fulle^nwider, Elizabeth L,., degree, 365