UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 848]

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Evans, F . E., degree, 356 Evans, F . N . , appointment, 52, 495 Evans, W . E., appointment, 28 Everham, W . E., degree, 356 Ewald, P . G., degree, 358 Ewald, R., appointment, 619 Ewan, Caroline V. degree, 816 Ewer, W . B., degree, 355 Examination, physical, of students, 714 for C. P . A., divided, 657 Excell, S. W., degree, 355 Executive committee elected, 246, 721 meeting, 69, 95, 103, 104, 179 Exhibition, Paris Civic, 65 Expense budget, 454 Experiment field accepted, 418 Experiment stations, see Agriculture or Engineering Explosion in Chemistry laboratory, 175 Eycleshymer, A. C , 109, 398, 412, 522, 524 Faculty, loyalty of, 617 Fager, E . P., appointment, 564 Fager, G. E . K., degree, 821 final honors, 832 special honors, 832 Fahnestock, Rhoda, degree, 367 Fahrner, J. S., degree, 825 Fahrnkopf, H . F . T., 490, appointment, 47 Fair, Sue M., appointment, 28, 470 Fairbanks, B . W., degree, 358 Fairfield, Faith J., degree, 816 Fairlie, J. A., 479, appointment, 37 Fairman, C , appointment, 564 degree, 816 Fales, E . N . , appointment, 162, 564 aviation school, 283 leave of absence, 672 Faletti, M . J., degree, 360 Falls, F . H . , appointment, 112, 113, 516, 525, 527 Fanning, R. S., 483, appointment, 40 degree, 649, 831 Fantus, B., 497, appointment, 58, 111 Far, S. E., degree, 362 Fargo, R. N . , appointment, 28, 281, 471 Farms, Smith, Leases for, 726 F a r m Mechanics, salaries, 491 Farm Organization and Management, salaries, 462, 494 Farmer, Elma L., degree, 358 Farmhouse and toolhouse, 332 Farnam, Bertha L , degree, 816 Fauble, Norine, appointment, 56 salary, 637 Faulk, M . C , degree, 351 Faulkner, L. W., appointment, 564, 674, 771 Faust, E . C , appointment, 764 degree, 370 Fay, D . A., degree, 354 Fazel, C. S., 504, appointment, 241, 281, 626, 771 fellowship, 285 Federal employees, 671 Federal funds, authority to receive, 247 Federmann, C. R., degree, 355 final honors, 372 medal from American Institute of Architects, 372 Feeding plant, appropriation, 502 Feeney, E . F., appointment, 107 Fees changed, 385 demand by state auditor, 132 for extra laboratory work, 188 household science, 175 in Mechanical Engineering, 408 incidental increased, 384 laboratory, 6 1 , 512, 550, 612 matriculation and registration, Chicago departments, 195 report of, 207, 267, 555, 767 second semester, report of, 139

Elliott, A. R., appointment, 564 Elliott, E . E., degree, 821 Elliott, Eva L., degree, 351 Elliott, Isabel G., degree, 351 Elliott, R. T . , degree, 357 Ellis, C. A., 483, appointment, 41 Ellis, C. C , appointment, 120 Ellis, C. L., appointment, 564, 674 Ellis, O. I., 490, appointment, 47 Ellrod, E t t a D . , offered property, 395 Emch, A., appointment, 36, 280, 478 Emergency fund, 13, 456 special, 62 Emerson, Edith M . , degree, 826 Emmel, V. E., appointment, 109, 524 Employees, accidents to, 531 compensation, report of committee, 198 injured, 3, 419 Employers', liability, 176 liability act, decision, 126 Engel, Solton, appointment, 477, 619 Engelder, C. J., appointment, 564 Enger, M . L., 43, 368, 486 Engerman, M . E., degree, 823 Engineering, continuous work in, 754 salaries, 457, 482 Engineering Experiment Station agreement, 630 cooperative tests, 183 expense, 15 plans for development, 237 projected appropriation for, 100 research graduate assistants in, 546 salaries, 40, 45, 457, 487 Engle, Esther A., 351 Engle, E . W., appointment, 31 Engle, R. H., appointment, 269 commission, 373 degree, 358 Engle, R. N . , degree, 358 Englis, D . T., 495, appointment, 52, 730 English, expense, 14 salaries, 33, 456, 476 English Brothers, contract, education building, 406 Eninger, Helen M., degree, 540 Enlistment of students, 633 Ensign, N . E., 486, appointment, 44, 280 Entomology, expense, 14 salaries, 34, 456, 477 Entorf, Rachel, 484, appointment, 161 Entrance credit in business subjects, 235 Entrance requirements, changes in, 389, 393 College of Law, 389 time requirements, 244 Eppinger, Cornelia L., appointment, 468 Epple, W., C. P . A. certificate, 765 Epstein, A. L., degree, 237, 370 Epstein, Karl, degree, 358 E r b , J. L., appointment, 55, 280, 762 Eregelder, C. J., appointment, 474 Ericson, Edna P., appointment, 771 Erickson, E . O., degree, 825 Erickson, E . B., degree, 357 Erickson, V. E., degree, 364 Eshoo, P., appointment, 560 Ettinger, C. M., degree, 355 final^ honors, 372^ Eugenics, cooperative work, 13 Europe, American University Union in, 419, 666, 729, 754 Europe, Representative in, 729 European Culture, Museum, expense, 14 Euston, J. H . , degree, 820 special honors, 831 Evans, D . G., appointment, 674, 771 degree, 356 Evans, F . , degree, 820