UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 843]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918
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Brown, Dorothy S., degree, 352 Brown, E . E . , degree, 821 final honors, 832 Brown, E . V. L., appointment, 517 Brown, H . A., appointment, 562, 625 Brown, H . D., 495, appointment, 52 degree, 360, 367 Brown, H . W., degree, 358 final honors, 372 Brown, Hazel E., degree, 826 scholarship, 284 > Brown, J. B., appointment, 32, 474 degree, 367 Brown, J L , degree, 354 Brown, Julius, degree, 660 Brown, L. L., degree, 824 Brown, Myrtle A., scholarship, 767 Brown, P . H., appointment, 39 degree, 364 Brown, R. P., degree, 355 Browne, H . S., appointment, 160 Browne, Kathryn E., degree, 360 •Browne, W . H., appointment, 107, 522 Brownfield, Georgia, degree, 360 Brownfield, Lelah, appointment, 39, 160, 466 Brownfield Woods, inspection of, 96 Browning, T . S., degree, 355 Bruce, W . R., appointment, 32 Brummall, Anna Belle, degree, 364 Brundage, E . J., opinion, state printer law, 386 Bruner, A. J., appointment, 619 Brunkow, N . F-, degiee, 819 Brunskill, E . W , degree, 358 Brunson, A. M., 490, appointment, 47, 562, 625 Brush, Elizabeth P , appointment, 36, 478 Bryan, Elizabeth, appointment, 26, 470 Bryan fund, invested, 136 Bryant, R. A., degree, 819 final honors, 832 Bryant, W. T., appointment, 32 degree, 539 Buch, H . C , appointment, 562 Buchanan, H . C , appointment, 44 Buchanan, R. B., degree, 358 Buck, A. M., 487, appointment, 45 degree, 368 Buckingham, B. R., appointment, 759 Buckler, Helen I., appointment, 25, 160, 467, 563 Buckles, Mildred E., 495, appointment, 52 Budget, 450, adjustments, 518 approved, 69, 500 classification of funds, 68 estimates, 8, 404 expenditures, 10 salary budget, 24 Buhrman, Elaine Louise, degree, 351 Buildings, 454 agricultural, 463 agronomy, recommended, 378 appropriation for, 750 program, taxation proposed, 273 schedule revised, 197 Bull, Sleeter, 492 Bull, W. E., degree, 820 Bullard, C. W., appointment, 56 Bullock, D . M., appointment, 673 Bumgarner, Ruth Sabina, degree, 351 Bunch, Mamie, 496, appointment, 53, 563 Bundy, Dorothy E t t a , degree, 826 Bunting, H . R., degree, 389 Burgan, Laverne, degree, 817 Burge, W . E . , appointment, 36, 479 Burger, A., appointment, 27 Burger, A. H . , degree, 359 Burger, C. V., 483, appointment, 40 Burgess, H . C , scholarship, 297 Burgess, J . E., 483, appointment, 161 Burgston, C. H., degree, 358 Burke, A. W , appointment, 119 Burkhart, G. J., appointment, 770 Burleigh, Inez L., degree, 816 Burlison, W. L., 489, appointment, 47 Burmeister, W . H., appointment, 111, 525 Burnett, R. A., degiee, 820 Burns, Byron, appointment, 29 Burrell, Beulah, degree, 351 Burt, H . J., appointment, 330 attended meeting, 332 Burton, Clifford Ketchum, degree, 351 Burwash, L. S., degree, 358 Burwash, M a r y G., appointment, 26, 469 Buschmann, W . H . H . , degree, 816 Busey, Josephine Kathryn, degiee, 351 Business Office expense, 12, 56 salaries, 24, 56, 455, 467 supplementary, 455, 499 Business Oiganization and Operation salaries, 481 Business subjects for admission, 235 Bussell, Nellie E., appointment, 471 Butler, Pierce, appointment, 26 Butterfield, F . E , degree, 356 Bvford, H . T., appointment, 116 Byland, T . C , 485, appointment, 43 Byrnes, W. A., degree, 362


Cadi&h, G. F., degree, 358 Cain, Eleanor B., appointment, 269 Calderon, Guillermo, degree, 363 Caldwell Electric Company, contiact Education Building 406 Women's Residence Hall, 2 Caldwell, Mary L , degree, 816 Caldwell, R u t h Marie, degree, 351 Callen, A. C , appointment, 43, 486 Callen Bi others, contract, Education Building 406 Calibration laboratory, 74? Cameron, G. M., degree, 821 Campbell, C. W , degree, 357 Campbell, D M., degree, 355 Campbell, E. E . A , degree, 816 scholarship, 766 Campbell, Ella S., degree, 361 Campbell, Florence Maud, degree, 351 Campbell, G. A., degree, 823 Campbell, G. M , degree, 825 Campbell, George, appointment, 209 Campbell, M . H., degree, 358 Campbell, R. H , degree, 825 Campbell, W. F., appointment, 269 commission, 373 degree, 358 Cann, Jessie Y., appointment, 31, 474, 760 Canon, C. C , degree, 358 Canter, H . V., appointment, 29, 33, 472, 475, 760 leave of absence, 750 Capek, L. V., degree, 823 Capion, H . S. adjustment of interest, 375, 650 tiansfer of funds, 329, 503 Cailey, P . S., degree, 823 Cailson, A. L., degree, 358 Carlson, H . L , final honois, 372 Cai Ison, Margery C , scholarship, 766 Carman, A. P., 487, appointment, 44 Carman, Florence, degree, 817 Carmichael, R. D., 478, appointment, 36 Carmichael, W. J., 492 appointment, 49 leave of absence, 613 Carnahan, D . H., appointment, 37, 480 Carncross, Helen, appointment, 119, 269