UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 842]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918
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Boucher, Nellie, appointment, 48, 491 Boughton, T . H., appointment, 111, 525 Bower, L. E., appointment, 70, 120, 515 Bower, P . E., degree, 358 Bowling, B . L., 484, appointment, 41 Bowman, Emily Maurine, degree, 351 Bowman, Mabel, degree, 351 Boyd, Anne M., degree, 823 Boyd, Marian Cummings, degree, 351 Boyer, C. V., appointment* 34, 476 report from, 103 Boyer, W. H., appointment, 56 Boyle, Esther H., 822 Boyle, C. W., appointment, 32 degree, 364 Bracewell, R. H., appointment, 398 Bracewell, R. S., degree, 827 appointment, 160, 474 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 30, 472 Bradley Hall, lease of, 668 Bradley, J. F., degree, 363 Bradley, LeRoy, degree, 355 Bradley, Loyd, degree, 360 Bradley, Mi J., appointment, 562, 673 Brady, J. J , letter-fees, 132 Braham, J. M., appointment, 31, 474, 673 degree, 828 Bradley, S. A., appointment, 474, 760 degree, 368 Bramlet, H . B., degree, 351 Branch, Nellie U., appointment, 562 Branch, W . R., degree, 358 Brand, Marjorie L., degree, 816 Brandon, JEugenie J., degiee, 816 Brazean, E . F., degree, 354 Brazelton, Calanthe M., degree, 816 Biedvold, L. J., aopointment, 34, 477 Breece, H . D., degree, 816 Brennan, Wintress, degree, 361 Brennemann, C. G., degree, 540 Biew, J. D., 493 Brewer, property offered, 181 Breyer, A. T., degree, 825 Briggs, Evelyn, appointment, 160 Briggs, Flora B., degree, 360 Briggs, O. C , degree, 825 Brigham, E . R., degree, 562, 819 Brigham, M . H., appointment, 625, 673, 770 Bristow, George Washington, degree, 351 Britt, C. A., commission, 373 degree, 358 Brittin, W . A., Jr., degree, 358 Britton, W . E., appointment, 39, 278, 481, 760 Broadhurst, Tabitha J., appointment, 24, 466 Broadwell, Agnes M., degree, 817 Brock, W. S., appointment, 52, 495 Brockmeier, Angelina L., degree, 352 Biockson, W . L, 490, appointment, 48 Broday, Esther, appointment, 110, 522 Brodel, T . L., appointment, 730 Broderson, H . J., appointment, 31 Bronner, P., degree, 825 Brooks, A. E., appointment, 475 Brooks, F . A., degree, 356 special honors, 371 Brooks, Fannie M., 496, appointment, 53, 280 Brooks, Morgan, 484, appointment, 42 Brooks, Neil C , appointment, 35, 478 report, 186 Brooks, Ruth, appointment, 241, 625 Brooks, Veina, appointment, 28, 471 Brooks, Viola, degree, 351, 826 Brothers, E. D., appointment, 115, 118, 517, 559 Brown, Albeit Willard, degree, 351 Brown, Allen Brookins, degree, 351 Brown, B. ]., scholarship, 285 Brown, C. W , degree, 825

Bittman, E . S., appointment, 160, 467, 562 Bixby, Madeleine, appointment, 517 degiee, 827 Black, B. A., degree, 816 Black, Frieda E . A., degree, 360 Blackburn, Florence, appointment, 466 Blackstone, A., degree, 820 Blackwelder, Eliot, appointment, 35, 279, 477 Blackwell, John, appointment, 107 Black well, Mary L , appointment, 26, 469 Blair, E T., degree, 823 appointment, 287 Blair, J. C , 494, appointment, 51 lease of orchards, 257 Blaisdell, Daisy L., appointment, 35, 478 Blatt, M . L., appointment, 209, 515, 562 Bloch, William, degree, 363 Blohm, G. C , degree, 236, 370 Blondheim, D . S., appointment, 37, 273 Blcom, Irwin, degree, 363 Bloomfield, Leonard, appointment, 35, 478 Bluhm, H . J., degree, 353 B'nai B'lith prize, 832 Board files, 386 Boaid of Trustees, expense, 12, 455 Treasurer of money, authority to receive, 722 Bcckius, Doiis E., appointment, 673 Bode, B H., appointment, 36, 479 Bodfish, Elizabeth, degree, 368 Boehmer, Florence E., degree, 826 Boehmer, Louise, degree, 817 Boelio, L. N . , appointment, 110, 524 Boerner, E . S., degree, 359 Bogart, E . L., 481 appointment, 39 leave of absence, 715 Boggs, Judge F . H., civil service decision, 651 Bohemian settlement dispensary, 130, 237 Boice, Levi A., appointment, 24, 466 Boiler house, fire in, 504 Boiler insuiance, 202 Bolan, Anna R , appointment, 116, 559 Bole, S. J., 495, appointment, 52 Bclen, Mabel H., degree, 816 Bollman, J. L., degree, 389, 540 Bellman, Minnie J., appointment, 26 Bclton, R. W., degree, 820 Bolton, W J., degree, 820 Bond, Ethel, appointment, 26,55,280,469,498,762 Bond for Military supplies, 136, 739 Bond, Lyda, appointment, 562, 762 Bond of E . D . Hulbert, Treasure!, 271 Bends, Auditor, 265 Cashier, 265 Comptroller, 265 Treasurer, 247 Bon Durant, W. H., appointment, 769 Books, abroad, 205 for Professor Olmstead, 298 pui chase, 256 pui chase of, 12, 754 Boomsliter, G. P., 486, appointment, 44 Booth, H . T., appointment, 44, 281 Booth, Lyman, degree, 358 Borden, R. F., appointment, 36, 280, 479, 770, 829 Borman, Mabel Mae, degree, 351 Bom, C. E., degree, 821 Born, Katherine L., degree, 360 Borovik, R. R., degiee, 363 Borton, C. W., commission, 373 degiee, 354 Boston, P . M. ? degree, 354 Boswell, H . C , appointment, 43, 398, 485 Boswell, G. T., appointment, 673 Botany laboratory fees, 106, 512 expense, 14, 456 Botany salaries, 30, 456, 473