UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 839]

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Abbot, H. G., degree, 821 Abbott, W . L authorized t o delegate signature, 64 elected President of Board, 246, 721 warrants and vouchers, authority to sign, 722 Abrams, Ella, degree 352 Accidents to employees, 531 Accountancy Board, appointment of A. T . Bacon, 332 appointment of R. 0 . Berger, 502 Accountancy, Committee on report, 183 Accountancy examinations divided, 657 Achinelly, O., degree, 824 Ackerson, Esther M., degree, 352 Ackert, Alice N., degree, 822 Adams, A. M., degree, 358 Adams, Leota V., degree, 817 Adams, Roger appointment, 159, 278, 473 leave of absence, 718 manufacture of chemicals, 502, 717-718 salary of, 718 Adams, W . D., degree, 819 Adkins, W . S., appointment, 191, 524 Adler, Leon, appointment, 159 degree, 353 honors, 371 Administration, Board of, analytical work for, 125 Administration Building projected appropriation for, 100 state architects' bill, 283 Administrative Code, State, 195 Administrative offices budget, 12 expense, 455 Admission, requirements for business subjects, 235 Dentistry, 136 high-school students who enlist, 659 time requirements, 244 A. D . T . fire protection, service in Chicago buildings, 123, 171 Advanced courses, reduction opposed, 407 Adviser to foreign students expense, 12 salary, 25 Advisory board, Ceramic Engineering, 614 Aeronautics, School of addition to, 646 " barracks, 611, 741 * cadet school, 335 •'• contract for barracks, 542 ' contract, 378, 507T810 expenditures, 553 Great Lakes, seaplane tent, 413 increased attendance, 543 ' J r training camp, 297 ~"* lease of Bradley Hall, 668 ' report, 640,' 726-728 report of mess, 736 ' request for addition to, 719 ' tiaining school, 283 Union building, lease, 743 Woman's building desired, 719 Woman's residence assigned, 500 Y. M . C. A. building, lease, 751, barracks, 6 4 j , use of, 402, 723 Agdesteen, O. T., degree, 363 Agg, Sarah, degree, 360 final honors, 372 Agneu, Beulah I., clegree, 351 honors, 371 Agricultural Experiment. Station expense, 17 gift of land, 202 salaries, 46, 458 Agricultural extension expense, 19, 54 salaries, 54, 460, 489 Agricultural funds, transfer, 536 Agricultural plant, projected appropriation for, 100 Agiicultuie, College and Station expense, 17, 171 income, 15, 458 salaries, 46, 458, 488 Agriculture, Committee on, M r . Hoit, appointed Chairman, 206 Agriculture, Cooperative work, 204 abrogation of, 172 Agriculture, scholarships in; rule, 64, 132 Agronomy barn, 754 Agronomy, department of expense, 18, 460 salaries, 46, 460, 489 Ainsworth, Madalene Z., degree, 816 Aishton, R. H., appointment, 60 Akers, Miriam C , degree, 364 Albauch, Kathryn R., degree, 817 Albaugh, H . L., degree, 354 Albee, C. L., degree, 821 Alexander, David, appointment, 119 Allen, B . R . , degree,'824 Allen, G. A., degiee, 823 Allen, Hazel, appointment, 57 Allen, I. M , appointment, 337 Allen, James, appointment, 672 Allen, Josephine, appointment, 114 Allen, L , appointment, 37 Allen, Lucy E., degree, 360 Allen, O. W., fellowship, 285 Allen, P . W., 493, appointment, 51, 277 title changed, 123 Alley, W . E., 485, appointment, 43 Allgeier, J. H., degree, 824 Allhands, C. L., degiee, 358 Allison, D . M., appointment, 561 Allison, Josephine "K , 496 Allison, W. A., 492 degree, 366 Allyn, Hester A., degree, 352 Allyn, O. M., appointment, 47 Almond, H . H , degree, 819 Altpeter, Mabel G., degree 816 Altstaedt, B. W., degree, 363 de Alva, S. M., fellowship, 766 Alverson, Ruth A , degree, 816 Alvord, C. W., appointment, 35, 478 leave extended, 233 leave of absence, 187 Mississippi Valley Historical Review, request,203 Alumni Association, 332 Alumni Quarterly, 13, appropriation, 456 Alumni Record, 13 Alumni Secretary, 532 Alwood, C. G , degree, 358 medal from conference for excellence in scholarship and athletics for year 1917, 373 d'Amatb, Oilando, appointment, 159 Ambrustei, J. R , degree, 358 Ambulance organization, 260 American Architectural Company, tests, 183 Ameiic.an Cieosoting Company, cooperative investigation, 754 Ameiican" Univeisity Union in Euiope, 419, 520, 613,666,729,754 Ames, A. C , appointment, 269 Ames, W. B., degree, 354 Amos, Winifred, appointment, 29 expense, 472 Amsterdam, H a n y , appointment, 27, 470 Analytical work, 125 Anatomy laboratory deposits, 417 Anatomy work in Urbana, 173, 411 Anderegg, F . O , appointment, 31,159,278,474, 76Q