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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I9I8] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Tseh Ling Tsu? A.B. (University of Nanking) 1914 *Fremont Philip Wirth, A.B., 1917 In Household Science Zilpha Curtis Battey, A.B., 1917 In Physics Ching Lee Hsun, A.B., 1917 In Political Science Edwin Anders, A.B., 1905 Hung Lieh Chang, A.B. (Baldwin-Wallace College) 1916, AB., 1917 In Romance Languages Leora Almita Fitz-Gerald, A.B., 1916 Manuel Leon Lopez, A.B. (Ohio Wesley an University) 1916 In Sociology Chester Clyde Harrison, A.B. (University of Michigan) 1914 J Orin Powers, A.B., 1917 In Zoology Gertrude Mellen Hooper, A.B. (Jackson College) 1915 Lester Carlton VerNooy, A.B. (Amherst College) 1916 The Degree of Master of Science In Agronomy *Roy Hansen^ B.S., 1914 Winfield Scott, B.S., 1916 . In Animal Husbandry Pau Sien Chung, B.S. (Iozva State College) 1917 Gilbert Gusler, B.S. (Ohio State University) 1912 Claude Ligonier Harper, B.S. (Purdue University) 1914 In Botany Richard Alonzo Gantz, A.B. (University of Michigan) 1912 In Chemistry Harry James Beattie, A.B., A.M. (University of Denver) 1914, 1915 Madeleine Bixby, B.S. (Tufts College) 1916 Russell Starkey Bracewell, A.B. (University of Kansas) 1916 *Max Shaw Dunn, A.B. (Simpson College) 1916 Henry Charles Eckstein, A.B., 1915 ^Arthur Blaine Haw, B.S. (Harvard University) 1913 Jin Jee LIsun, B.S., 1917 Otto Mitchell Smith, B.S. (Drury College) 1907 Lynne Herman Ulich? B.S. (Grinnell College) 1914 In Civil Engineering Yi Liu, Associate (Tangshan Engineering College) 1916 Yang Feng Tseng, B.S. (Pel Yang University) 1911 In Entomology *Fenner Satterthwaite Stickney, B.S. (University of California) 1916
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