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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
79 &. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schedule 318 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR PHYSICAL PLANT AS AT MARCH 31, 1918 Appropriations and Credits Disbursements 420 00 6,681 50 4 84 2,058 206 1,605 1,758 1,373 1,145 5,512 (14,080 13,155 36,285 51,726 2,967 4,504 15,166 15,120 79,418 1,240 4,058 2,262 2,996 2,787 (218,534 8,962 31 85 17 35 93 01 82 44) 91 78 00 50 33 10 27 71 78 81 72 12 85 97) 02 Encumbrances [June i, Balances Extension 20,804 53 400 00 Heating and Ventilating Lighting and Electric PowerWater Tools and Equipment Totals , 382 31 1,166 69 3,427 74 (26,186 11) 15,000 00 2,264 375 485 1,064 (10,869 1,396 00 00 00 00 50) 69 1,236 17 447 40 6,995 21,657 1,632 495 4,921 2,890 20,336 1,234 1,941 1,137 953 1,212 (65,408 407 78 27 50 67 14 98 04 57 19 28 88 15 45) 33 Operation and Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Operation Fire Station Freight Handling General Operation Grounds Heat, Light, and Power Office Expense Police and Watchmen Telephone Exchange Tools and Equipment Water Station Totals Furniture and Fixtures Totals, Schedule 31 ... 43,281 73,383 4,600 5,000 20,087 18,011 99,754 2,503 6,000 3,400 3,950 4,000 (283,971 10,016 | 56 27 00 00 24 25 75 35 00 00 00 00 42) 40 28 00 (28 00) 647 05 12,941 24 | 335,173 93 | 254,733 34 | 67,499 35 Schedule 319 STATEMENT OF T H E A P P R O P R I A T I O N S FOR LAND AND BUILDINGS AS A t MARCH 31, 1918 1 Appropriaj tions and Credits 1917-18 Appropriation .... | 250,000 00 Education Building | 734 45 Feeding Plant 177 63 Horticultural Service Building Music Hall \ 1,303 99 Woman's Residence Hall Chemistry Building 10,715 38 Vivarium 998 91 Isolation Hospital j Reconstruction | Clinical Building .' Ceramics Building ~j Land 31,961 39 Totals, Sched. 31 | 295,891 751 Disbursements Encumbrances Against: Total 1917-18 | 1918-19 Charges for | Funds j Funds Biennium 34,620 31 119,187 23 209,541 52 26,138 51 119,187 23 23 167,515 78,601 10,719 1,689 7,551 409 114 31,961 00 48 13 88 98 54 38 40 39 55,733 98 26,138 51 23 36,026 70,126 124 1,689 7,551 409 114 31,961 00 35 57 50 98 54 38 40 39 12,301 90 8,474 56 10,595 38 229,899 601 65,992 151 238,374 46| 534,266 21
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