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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
796 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u n e I, Schedule 3173 FINAL STATEMENT INCOME AND E X P E N S E NO. 2 MESS HALL AS AT MARCH 31, 1918 Total February 28 Income Students Meals :......... Officers Meals .Ui..... Total Expense Food Purchased Less: Closing inventory 19,699 24 224 90 19,924 14 . 13,059 91 1,811 73 11,248 18 2,819 43 506 43 168 89 212 81 172 70 771 2 4 1 525 00 97 79 19 25 71 00 16,612 72 3,311 42 16.5% 4,473 23 803 29 87 50 35 01 83 18 46 90 207 28 150 00 122 92 9 29 5 50 25 00 6,049 10 233 47 3.7% Month of March 6,192 97 89 20 6,282 57 Food used Wages Superintendence Operating Supplies Laundry Gas Water, heat, light and power ^. Depreciation on equipment Maintenance of equipment Traveling expense—Chicago and return Mr. Shriver Telephones Garbage disposal Total expense Surplus from operation .-. , , % - L Alterations and Equipment Alterations Equipment purchased Total ., Expenditures Net surplus March 31, 1918 ..r„„„....r.TT....
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