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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
794 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June I, Schedule 3171 SUMMARY OF INCOME AND E X P E N D I T U R E S SCHOOL OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S AS AT MARCH 31, 1918 Income From (to From From From U. S, Government for tuition and including March 30, 1918) autograph photographs books and property damaged ornaments 93,210 97 221 30 13 00 17 75 252 50 Expenditures Actual disbursements for ajl departments in full to Febr. 28, 1918, as per Schedule 2: Service and supplies for instruction Operation and maintenance of buildings used by schopl .. Building alteration and reconstruction Expended on account of special plumbing in Barracks No. 1 Due for rental on Barracks. No. 1: To, be applied on reconstruction To be paid in cash Surplus of income over expenditures Encumbrances General Garage Trap houses Gymnasium Annex: Contracts Other encumbrances .... Miniature range Total 63,619 17 7,818 63 7,345 55 78,783 35 5,538 53 3,583 38 666 66 4,250 04 1,189 27 539 11 389 00 12,689 00 2,545 62 15,234 62 437 11 17,789 15
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