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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1918] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 775 at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a month, beginning December 1, 1917, and continuing until June 30, 1918. (December 10, 19.17). *Schweickhard, D. M., Instructor in Gunnery in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month, beginning May 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice. (May 2, 1918). *Shoemaker, F . G., Instructor in the department of Engines in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month, beginning April 2.2, 1918, and continuing until further notice. (April 19, 1918). *Siegmund, H . O., Instructor in Military Studies in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month, beginning May I, 1918, and continuing until further notice; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (April 18, 1918). *Smart, Howard, Caretaker of the trap-shooting grounds of the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of seventy dollars ($70) a month,f beginning March 15, 1918, and continuing until further notice. (March 21, 1918). *Stelter, Clara E., Stenographer in the office of the Commandant of the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of eightythree and one-third dollars ($83.33) a month, beginning May 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice; this appointment superseding her previous appointment. (April 20, 1918). Stevenson, J. A., Lecturer and Secretary in the Department of Education, from April 15, 1918, to September 1, 1918, at a salary of two hundred ten dollars ($210) a month. (April 25, 1918). Stolfa, Ladislav, Clinical Assistant in the Department of Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, from April 1, 1918, to September 1, 1918, without salary. (April 25, 1918). *Stopp, G. D., Instructor in Military Studies in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred forty dollars ($140) a month, beginning May 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (April 24, 1918). ^Sweeney, A. F., Instructor in Military Studies in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred forty dollars ($140) a month, beginning May 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (April 24, 1918). *Tornquist, A., Mechanic for the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month, beginning May 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice. (April 30, 1918). *Trelease, S. B., Instructor in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month, * Appointment made by Vice-President Kinley. fReduced by $30 a month (government pay as enlisted man) beginning May 9, 1918.
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