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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Schedule 21 (Continued) n 92 4 569 1 17,844 32,448 956 333 207 83 533 218 4 34 29 25,000 236 25,000 3,751 11 5,360 2 400 15 2 600 00 60 35 71 16 63 99 33 60 33 87 33 00 63 00 00 50 00 25 00 32 50 00 00 12 00 Emergency Hospital Graduate School , Information Office Interest Interest on Daily Balances Interest on Endowment Fund Journal of English and Go manic Philology] Law School Salaries Lectures Legal Counsel Salaries Library Libiary Salaries ..-. Library School Military Department Miners' and Mechanics' Institutes Morrill Fund School of Music Nelson Fund Orchestra Conceits Registrar's Office Smith Farms Student Organizations Summer Session Salaries Summer Library School Salaries Summer Session 1915 Summer Session 1916 Supervising Architect's Office University Studies Water Survey Weekly Calendar Student Fees General and Laboratory Summer Session 1915 First Semester 1914-15 Second Semester 1914-15.... First Semester 1915-16 Second Semester 1913-14.... Second Semester 1915-16.... Second Semester 1912-13.. Summer Session 1916 Lockers Men's Gymnasium W omen's Gymnasium Shop or Laboratory Physical Plant \dmmistration Building Buildings ... General—Heating and LightingRent Armory Auditorium ...... Chapel Gymnasium Annex Grounds Houses Morrow Hall Natural History Hall Stabling Private Mounts Stock Pavilion Wood Street Property 75 315 56 2,493 75 5 00 120,477 77 757 75 89 05 336 00 90,713 16 22 89 77,106 90 10 00 9,610 50 178,646 25 3,216 00 502 50 241 00 4,029 50 182,675 75 13 50 1,120 06 1,799 34 3 215 5 282 2 1,851 57 7 67 7 602 50 00 25 1 00 j 66 \ 50 1 00 50 89 50 50 j 6,035 20
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