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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1-9*8] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CALIBRATION OR STANDARDS LABORATORY 747. (13) A statement that under authortity given by the Board of Trustees [minutes, July 21, 1916, page 62], Dean Goss had informed the State Public Utilities Commission of the State of Illinois that the University would be willing to establish such a laboratory, under certain conditions. This letter was dated January 4, 1917, but no reply was received until November 6, 1917, when the Chief Engineer, Mr. J. H. Prior, indicated the willingness of the State Public Utilities Commission to cooperate. Dean C. R. Richards recommends that the University inform the State Public Utilities Commission that it cannot under the present circumstances go on with this plan at the present time. This recommendation was approved. UNIVERSITY PRESS (14) A request for authority to organize a University of Illinois Press as soon as circumstances make it convenient. We have been discussing for several years the organization of a University Press to take over gradually the entire work of printing and publishing which is done by the University through its various departments. I think that important savings could be effected and a much more efficient organization of the publishing work of the University be brought about. We have had two or three committees at different times reporting on this subject, and in general the project has had the approval of the Board of Trustees, as is shown by their authorization? some two years ago, of the organization of the Print Shop on a larger scale (See pages 190, 245, and 333). On motion of Mr. Carr, the President of the University was authorized to organize the University of Illinois Press with a Director and the requisite staff. MCKINLEY HOSPITAL The following statement: It is very necessary, in my opinion, to proceed as rapidly as possible with the erection of the McKinley Hospital. We need it very much in our ordinary routine health work of the University. It would be a considerable help if the School of Military Aeronautics should be enlarged so as to require hospital facilities beyond what we have already contemplated. It would also be of great help, if the Government should ask us to organize and conduct a reconstruction hospital. I am submitting the plan, which has been prepared by Professor White, and recommend that it be adopted and that he be authorized to proceed with the further plans and construction of the hospital. I have been in communication with Mr. McKinley in regard to the matter. He was, at first, inclined to think that we ought to wait until the war is over, but this hospital, in my opinion, may become a very important part of the war work itself. Mr. McKinley now acquiesces in this view. (16) On motion of Mr. Trimble, the plans prepared by the Supervising Architect were approved and the President of the Univer-
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