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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I9I8] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 745 should include a considerable number of courses now given in some one of the engineering curriculums, but with technical options especially designed to prepare the students for one or another arm of the service such as infantry, artillery, quartermaster, or engineering, together with courses in military strategy, military history, or sanitation, with a view to fitting the student for a commission in the regular army of the United States either in the Corps of Engineers (as permitted by act of February 27, 1911) or under other acts or provisions. 7. That during the summer between the third and fourth years specialized work in training camp or elsewhere be required under conditions approved by the appropriate University authority. 8. It is planned that at the conclusion of the four-year military curriculum here described the men will receive the degree of Bachelor of Science or the equivalent. 9. Under the operation of this scheme and during the continuance of present conditions, the students may or may not be of draft age. They may be enlisted men who for their scholarly ability are put on the inactive list to receive further instruction and kept here during the successful pursuance of their studies. Whichever way the army officers may decide with reference to college men not actually taken by the drafts or left temporarily, it will be practicable to meet many of the conditions which it is assumed may arise. 10. Under this proposed arrangement it will not be necessary to have barracks nor to prescribe unusual discipline during the college year for these students taking the four-year military curriculum, nor to segregate them from the other students in the University. They will be expected to take full military drill, presumably as non-commissioned or commissioned officers after the first 3^ear and first summer camp. They will receive the greater part of the discipline necessary for an officer in these summer camps, but during the college year they will be relatively free to pursue the engineering and related studies such as should enable them in later life, after their service with the army has been completed, to enter civilian occupations. On motion o f Mr. Trimble, it was voted that, if the Univer< sity Senate approve this report, the President of the University be authorized to establish such a curriculum. ADDITION TO LIBRARY STACK ROOM (11) A proposed plan of a stack-room, addition to the University Library immediately adjoining the present stack-room on the south. These plans have been drawn up by Professor White and* his accompanying letter explains the details. The Librarian is very insistent that, if the Trustees can at all see their way clear to follow his suggestion, the proposed addition, including an elevator and an unpacking room, be erected at the same time with the stack.
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