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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

749 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June i, that I be authorized to take out a bond in the amount of $15,000. It is necessary that a resolution be passed by the Board of Trustees, authorizing me to do this, and that a certified cppy of this resolution be attached to the bond. I am enclosing herewith a draft of a resolution which will meet the requirements, and would request that this be presented to the Board for its ratification at the next meeting. It will be necessary for us to pay the premium on the former bond to about May 1, ipi8 ? at a cost of approximately $70.00. The premium on the new bond for one year will be $i5-0°I would recommend that an appropriation of $85.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be made to meet this expense. Cordially yours, LLOYD MOREY "On motion of Mrs. Busey, Mr. Lloyd Morey, Acting Comptroller of the University of Illinois, was authorized to execute a bond to the United States of America to the amount of $15,000, with the American Surety Company of New York as surety, covering the return/ to the War Department of military stores and supplies issued to the University for use in military instruction. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Taggart, Mr. Trimble, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. MATERIAL FROM CROCKERLAND EXPEDITION (6) A report of the material obtained from the Crockerland Expedition. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NEW YORK April 15, 1918 MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : We have taken up the distribution of the mammal material brought back by the Crockerland Expedition. The Crockerland Committee recommended that we present to each member of the Expedition a souvenir of his experiences in the North and I have accordingly given to each member a musk-ox skin and a caribou skin. We have retained for the scientific .series of our Museum twenty-five blue foxes for pelage series, nine Arctic hares, four adult polar bears and three cubs, eight walrus skulls, seven walrus tusks, skin of one walrus head, rone narwhal skeleton, five narwhal tusks, one white seal, three dried seals, four white wolves, two adult and two young musk-ox skins. This leaves for the University of Illinois the following specimens: twenty-five blue foxes for pelage series, one pair for mounting, and eleven fox skulls; one pair of Arctic hares; eight adult polar;bears and seven cubs; twenty-six caribou skins and seven skulls; twenty-six musk-ox skins and eighteen skulls; ten walrus skulls and twelve walrus tusks; ten narwhal
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