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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I918] UNIVERSITY OF JiLLI^OIS SUMMA33LY OF INCOME AN© E X P E N S E SCHOOL OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS g&7 UNIVERSITY OF %Mjm<ms A S AT F E B R U A R Y 28, 1918 Income From United States Government for tuition, (to <and including February 23, 1918) From autographs ..... * ,. M9 From ornaments 17 From books and property damaged —.^ — — . 13 Expense Actual disbursements for all departments in fuM to February 28, 1918 as per Schedule 2 Disbursements to date on: Special plumbing in basement of No. :1 Barracks. 5,543 Bradley arcade annex to U o . 1 Barrarcks 949 Surplus of income over actual disbursements to date ... _ . . 3,049 62 12,869 00 7.2,849 16 '10 75 00 199 85 73,049 01 66,149 75 47 52 6,492 '99 72,642 74 406 27 Encumbrances Miscellaneous Gym Annex addition contracts 15,913 62
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