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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19*8] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 6p THE Schedule 3122 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1917 Appropriations and Credits Disbursements 5,286 2,420 11,665 361 74 5,209 1,938 3,073 610 1,330 4,394 4,759 7,027 (48,153 3,870 3,982 5,424 1,319 642 1,573 15 524 2,947 1.724 6.725 (28,751 27 67 96 19 36 53 18 61 91 97 92 22 74 53) 24 79 89 72 88 19 52 98 41 43 85 90) Encumbrances 4,026 3,730 3,364 122 253 1,557 2,314 1,057 684 1,213 2,354 1,152 (21,831 2,703 989 934 445 32 82 62 00 10 97 59 02 10 80 26 46 06) 30 99 09 00 College Unassigned Administration J Animal Nutrition Beef Cattle Education Extension , General and Farming Genietics „ .;....., Horses Meat Pathology „. Poultry ., . Sheep , ,...,. Swine Totals Station Unassigned ., .Administration Animal Nutrition , Beef Cattle Bulletins and Publications General and Farming ;.. Horses Live Stock Systems 59 78 21,612 24 4,753 79 7,524 03 202 23 547 69 5,136 13 3,722 71 6,233 61 1,792 49 5,000 00 7,894 98 6,231 45 9,153 39 (79,864: 52) 1,080 36 6,946 14 4,388 88 3,676 11 1,357 30 1,200 89 1,750; 19 518 59 497 51 5,000 00 1,776 82 6,607 90 (34,800 69)] 64 1,342 510 69 (1,847 2,500 03 28 41 53* 19) 45 00 00 00) 00 442 41 1,227 465 1,120 (8,327 51 00 00 30) Meat Pathology Sheep Swine Totals Specimens Beef Cattle Horses Sheep Swine Totals , Animal Nutrition Studies U. S. Smith-Lever Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Totals U. S. Experiment Station Unassigned Animal Nutrition Genetics Swine Totals ~~~ 2,500 00 1,6.31 52 85 68 (1,717 20) 1,688 866 360 (2,915 73 67 00 40) 1,941 728 395 (3,064 06 76 00 82) $16,051 64 3,QQQ 3,000 (6,c000 (Adams) | 8,300 -| (8,300 00) Totals, Schedule 312 | $133,312 85 | •Overdraft. $81,538 03 | $35,723 18 |
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