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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I9I8] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 689 2,754 14 2,708 34 17 50 526 24 34 100 234 00 05 00 00 60 Schedule 311—(Continued) General Expense (concluded) Retiring Allowance 4,875 00 2,120 Semi-Centennial Celebration ... 5,000 75 1,043 Smith Farms 4,351 96 3,462 Towel System e>.. 1,500 00 409 University Concert Course 693 00 351 University Infirmary 1,074 36 378 1,489 50 University Pageants 192 6,000 00 War Committee 6 44,779 66 Incidentals 1,919 Totals, Schedule 31 "Overdraft. 86 83 08 29 85 68 14 49 17 1,248 872 1,090 184 671 1,263 5,893 42,625 58 38 71 85* 63 36 51 89 | $240,609 00 | $88,317 41 | $64,523 40 | $87,768 19 SCHEDULE 312 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR T H E AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND E X P E R I M E N T AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1917 Appropriations and Credits General .^ Clinic Building 1912-13 Cold Storage 1912-13 Agricultural Extension Poultry Plant Agronomy (Sch. 3121) Animal Husbandry (Sch. 3122) | Dairy Husbandry (Sch. 3123) Horticulture (Sch. 3124) Household Science Cafeteria Farm Organization and College Station Smith-Lever Administration County Agents Farm Management Adams Administration Hatch Administration Totals, Schedule 31 * Overdraft, ." .^.„ | 2,947 91 4,925 72 9,000 00 12,585 20,407 3,000 207,402 133,312 119,135 101,730 29,104 9,780 74 18 00 96 85 92 78 13 81 6,039 89 10,215 30 98,121 81,538 79,834 61,602 13,957 9,407 75 03 50 62 83 51 Disbursements STATION Encumbrances Balances 2,947 91 4,925 72 9,000 00 3,894 61 7,525 94 56.377 35,723 22,252 30,836 13,019 3,064 33 18 80 08 43 16 2,651' 2,665 3,000 52,903 16,051 17,048 9,292 2,126 2,691 18 94 00 88 64 62 08 87 46* 1,500 00 4,500 00 5,785 41,300 3,000 15,000 1,700 5,000 86 00 00 00 00 00 959 98 2,341 86 2,733 137406 780 6,537 641 1,650 79 44 50 79 61 00 583 32 1,176 64 1,675 3,499 525 4,102 1,000 .1,575 50 92 00 88 00 00 43 30* 981 50 1,376 24,393 1,694 4,359 58 1,775 57 64 50 33 33 00 731,119 86 389,769 46 I 186,832 45 1 154,517 95
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