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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
678 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16, January 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission; this appointment superseding her previous appointment. (January 21, 1918). Manlove, C. H., Jr., Associate in the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology in the College of Medicine, on part time, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month, beginning January 1, 1918, and running until July 1, 1918. (December 24, 1917). Martin, Ada N., Secretary to the Dean of Women, at a salary of eighty dollars ($80) a month, from January 1, 1918, until further notice. (December 17, 1917). Meyers, M. A., Assistant in Psychology, on part time, at a salary of twenty-two dollars ($22) a month, from October 19, 1917, to February 1, 1918; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (December 24, 1917). Miller, J. E., Instructor in History, at a salary of one hundred twenty dollars ($120) a month, for the five months beginning February 1, 1918; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (January 18, 1918). *Motsinger, N . PL, Instructor in Engines in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month, beginning January 14, 1918, and continuing until further notice. (January 14, 1918). Newlin, W . B., Student Shelf Assistant in the Library, on two-thirds time, at a salary of forty-three and one-third dollars ($43-33) a month, beginning February 1, 1918, and ending August 31, 1918. (January 25, 1918). Nolan, A. W., Assistant Professor in the College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, at a salary of thirty-six hundred dollars ($3,600) a year, from January 1, 1918, to June 30, 1918; one-half to be paid by the Illinois Board for Vocational Education; this appointment superseding his previous appointment. (February 1, 1918). Nyberg, Florence A., Clerk in the department of mining engineering, at a salary of seventy dollars ($70) a month, beginning December 1, 1917, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission; this appointment superseding her previous appointment. (December 14, 1917). Nyberg, E m m a J., Stenographer in the department of chemistry, at a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55) a month, beginning February 1, 1918, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (February 14, 1918). Olney, C. B., Assistant in Animal Pathology, with salary at the rate of fourteen hundred dollars ($1400) a year, beginning when he reports for duty, and continuing until August 31, 1918. (December 24, 1917). *0'Neil, C. B., Instructor in Gunnery Practise in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month, beginning February 5, 1918. (February 9, 1918). *Appointment made by Vice-President Kinley.
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