Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
658 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16, ant members of the present Board of Examiners and a number of former members of the Board, and to a formal resolution adopted by the Illinois Society endorsing this petition. Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Secretary, Committee on Accountancy O n motion of M r . Blair, the above recommendation of the Committee on Accountancy was adopted. PRIZES FOR W I N N E R S OF PRELIMINARY HONORS (10) A recommendation from the University Senate concerning the presentation of some tangible mark of distinction to successful candidates for preliminary honors. December 20, 1917 Dr. Edmund / . James, President DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The University Senate at its meeting of December 17th, 1917, voted to approve in principle the following recommendation of the Committee on Standards of Scholarship and td refer it for consideration to the proper University authority: We recommend that the conferring of preliminary honors be accompanied by the presentation of some tangible mark of distinction. A good edition of an appropriate book, with a suitable book plate, would give honor students a permanent memento of their college life, which some at least would know how to value, and the total annual expenditure by the University need not be large. I beg leave to note that for several years past the students upon whom preliminary honors have been conferred have been presented with a certificate of the form transmitted herewith' and that similar certificates are given to the students who receive final and special honors. The giving of these certificates and the form of therm was approved by the Council of Administration. Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Clerk of the Senate On motion of Mr. Blair, this recommendation was approved and the President of the University was authorized to determine the particular object to be presented and to present the same together with the certificate now presented. UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS—-PROPOSED CHANGES (11) A recommendation from the University Senate relating to the granting of scholarships.