Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
550 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 20, of the University, with a request that he look after the interest of the Uniyersity in the matter. This statement was received for record. AMOUNT OF COAL CONSUMED (18) An estimate of the consumption of coal by the University during the fiscal year 1917-1918. October 15, 1917 President E. J. James, 355 Administration Building DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : We estimate the consumption of coal as follows: Year No. of Tons Price per Ton 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 27,000 29,147 30,000 $1.30 1.97 2.31 Total Cost $35,100.00 57,509.65 69,057.00 The cost this year is increased because half our coal has been put in storage and the increased cost due to storing it is about 40 cents a ton. In the past it has been our policy to arrange to have our coal come as needed in order to save this expense, but this year conditions are such that we did not feel safe in relying upon receiving daily shipments to meet our requirements. The figure for this year takes into consideration the advances given to the miners in May, but does not anticipate another possible advance. Yours very truly, JAMES M. WHITE Supervising Architect This statement was received for record. FEES IN CHEMISTRY 104 AND 104-A DISCONTINUED (19) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that no fees be required for Chemistry 104 and 104a. This recommendation was approved. TESTS ON RUSSIAN LOCOMOTIVE (10) A letter from Dean C. R. Richards concerning the tests of a locomotive engine for the Russian Mission of Ways Communication. October 17, 1917 President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : You will recall that last spring I had some discussion with you concerning the possibility of our undertaking a test of one of the large locomotives under construction in this country for the Russian State Railways. At that time you expressed your approval of the plan. The negotiations have now proceeded to a point where a definite agreement between the Engineering