Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
5*4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 28, The same thing is true of the property lying immediately east of the Chemistry Laboratory and facing Mathews Avenue. When the war is over there will undoubtedly be an enormous quickening of the chemical industries;, and it will be necessary to make further provision for the adequate teaching of chemistry at the University. It could be done at much less expense by the erection (opposite the present laboratory) of buildings which could be managed in immediate connection with it than in any other way. No action was taken on these matters. MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS Recommendations from Dean Kendric C. Babcock (a) That the department of chemistry be authorized to continue during the coming year the manufacture of a selected, diversified number of chemicals to meet the demands of our own laboratories and to fill direct orders from other scientific and practical laboratories, it being understood that this work can be so conducted in our present laboratories as not to interfere with the regular research and instruction but rather to reinforce them; (b) That the appointment of not more than four manufacturing assistants comparable witli other half-time assistants be authorized at salaries not exceeding $60.00 a month. (c) That the creation of a revolving fund not to exceed $5000 be authorized for the purchase of chemicals needed in these manufactures, in such quantities as will insure advantageous prices and economic production. (d) That this authorization be granted with the stipulation that the enterprise be conducted with a view to returning to this revolving fund within the next twelve or eighteen months, out of the sales of products, the amounts originally drawn from it, less the value of the chemicals required by the University laboratories. (11) On motion of Mr. Ward, these recommendations were approved. OFFER FOR ST. JOSEPH FARM (12) A statement from Mr. John Wood of Gifford, Illinois, that if the St. Joseph Farm of 240 acres presented to the University by Captain T. J. Smith and valued by 'him at $225 an acre were offered at the price of $175 an acre, he would consider its purchase. N o action was taken on this matter. BUDGET, COLLEGES OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY (13) A list of appointments in the faculties of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry for the academic year beginning September 1, 1917, and a request for authority to approve the details of the salary and expense budgets of these colleges. CLINICAL FACULTY, COLLEGE OF I. Department of Medicine MEDICINE 1. Division of Medicine Maurice Louis Goodkind, Professor of Clinical Medicine