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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
5 ID BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g u s t 2&, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties aforesaid have hereunto placed their, hands the date first hereinbefore written. WITNESS: Signal Corps, U. S. Army ...... . APPROVED as to as to 191.... Brigadier General, C. S. O. f President of the University of Illinois, for the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. On ,motion of Mr. Hoit, this contract was approved and the President of the University was authorized to sign all necessary contracts and leases with the United States Government or its agents relating to the establishment or conduct of a School of Military Aeronautics at the University of Illinois. stTE FOR MCKINLEY HOSPITAL (2) A statement that it is quite necessary that the University proceed with the location and erection of the University Infirmary for which Mr. William B. McKinley has made a gift of $90,000 in securities of various kinds. The Board approved the location of the Infirmary at the north end of the present athletic field (page 250). The use of this property for this purpose, however, would require the re-location of the athletic interests and an adequate provision for their work, at a cost of at least $50,000. This would involve the presentation to the University by the Athletic Association of the new athletic field near the Illinois Central Railroad, the addition of the ten acres tying immediately south and now owned by the University to the twenty acres in the athletic field, and the assignment of the whole property of thirty acres to athletic purposes, with the erection of some grand stands and the necessary outbuildings. I think this would be the best solution of the difficulty. The trouble is, we have not the money to undertake such an enterprise at the present time, and I do not think we are likely to get it in the next biennium. But we must proceed with the erection of an Infirmary or Hospital. It is very much needed by the University. If the location at the north end of the athletic field is impracticable, there are several possible locations: 1. On the block to the west of the present athletic field facing either
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