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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
igiy] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 497 Smith-Lever Administration Walter F. Handschin*, Vice-Director of Extension Service (onehalf time; I yr.) $' George N. Coffey State Leader of County Advisers ( i yr.) James Dater Bilsborrow, Assistant State Leader (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1916) 1,800 3,200 2,750 1,050 H a r o l d Clayton M. Caset, Assistant State Leader (one-half time; 1 yr.) , Secretary in Demonstration Service (Federal; 12 mos.) , Stenographer (Federal; 12 mos.) Total, Smith-Lever administration and Agricultural Ex- 960 840 $ 10,600 Total salaries, College of Agriculture periment Station $329,455 GRADUATE SCHOOL David Kinley**, Vice President (1 y r . ) , Dean of the Graduate School (1 y r . ) , and Professor of Economics (Indef.) % 6,000 , Research Assistant in the Dean's Office (10 mos.) 600 Lida E. Voight, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) 1,200 Total, Graduate School $ 7,800 1,300 1,300 2,000 2,000 1,450 1,000 1,000 200 2,000 SCHOOL OF PHARMACY William Baker Day, Acting Dean and Secretary (1 yr.) $ Professor of Materia Medica (1 yr.) Clyde Mason Snow, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy (1 yr.) Albert Henry Clark, Assistant Professor of Chemistry (1 yr.) Edmund Norris Gathercoal, Instructor in Pharmacognosy (1 yr.) Ben Lee Eicher, Instructor in Pharmacy (1 yr.) George Frederick Vaupell, Instructor in Chemistry (1 yr.) Bernard Fantus, Lecturer on Physiology (1 yr.) Maurice A. Miner, Professor of Pharmacy (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1917) Mary Scanlon, Clerical Assistant and Stenographer (C. S.) Four student assistants George Nirison, Plead Janitor (C. S.) Rudolph Meseck, Janitor (C. S.) Patrick Martin, Watchman (C. S.) John Turrans, Janitor (C. S.) *r-.—, Window Washer „„r ——? Total, School of Pharmacy ,.... , - 840 400 840 780 660 720 144 $' 16,734 *Total salary, $3,600; balance ($1,800) under Farm Organization and Management fTotal salary, $2,100; balance ($1,050) tinder Farm Organization and Management, **Total salary, $7,000; balance ($1,000) under Office of the Vice-President.
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