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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4fe 6. B<mm> (GBF iriKEJsiiiBES Farm Organization and Management [July 33-, a. College funds Salaries and maintenance... b. State Smkm funds i~ Total, farm organisation and management 7. $ aftooioo 4,S0o;oo $ 6,OQO.oo Horticulture a. College funds Salaries and maintenance (general) ._. $ 56,600.00 b. State Station £unds Horticultural investigations .....$ 21,000.00 Floricultural investigations 8,000.00 Total from State Station funds $ 29,000.00 c. Adams fund Plant breeding .........r.*..;..... 5,000,00 d. Balance from 1916-17 (1) Maintenance $ 211.57 (2) Horticultural investigations.... 990.55 (3) Floricultural investigations .... 1,341.36 Total from balance e. Income from sales (1) College Maintenance (2) Station Maintenance ? 2,543.48 .....$ 6,800.00 , 200.00 $ 7,000.00 $100,143.48 Total from income from sales:... Total, horticulture 8. .--, Household Science a. College funds Salaries and maintenance.... Less overdraft from 1916-17..... .$ 26,000.00 2,181.88 $ 23,818.12 $ 1*270,03 300,00, Net total from College funds.... b. Balance from 1916-17 Cafeteria .*.... c. Income from sales (1) Maintenance
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