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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 443 Schedule 319 STATEMENT OF T H E A P P R O P R I A T I O N S FOR LAND AND BUILDINGS AS AT J U N E 30, 1917 Appropriations and Credits 416 77 12,000 00 49,000 00 45,000 00 40,000 00 25,000 00 60,000 00 43,850 00 40,000 00 28,215 28 110,029 00 93,527 33 Disbursements 416 77 61 63 12,888 52 37,612 20 13,023 28 2,180 67 250 00 22,542 95 75 00 473 25 42,260 92 42,448 82 27,243 99 110,491 66 93,527 33 Encumbrances Balances 61 63* 888 52* 322 42 31,716 92 37,431 26 24,750 00 37,307 05 75 00* 473 25* 1,589 08 2,448 82* 462 66* Administration Building Athletic Field Ceramics Building Chemistry Building Education Building Horticulture Service Building. Feeding Plant Music Building McKinley Hospital New Library Pharmacy Buildings Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Reconstruction .... Vivarium Woman's Residence Hall Land Totals, Schedule 31 11,065 38 259 80 388 07 150 00 t 971 29$ t |$ 547,038 38 |$ 405,496 99 |$ 12,834 54 |$ 128,706 85 *Overdraft. ^Encumbrances payable from 1917-18 appropriations: M. E. Laboratory Reconstruction Woman's Residence Hall Vivarium $ 3,513 36 56,224 44 509 23
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