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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 38l On motion of Mr. Carr, this contract was accepted, and the President of the University was authorized to enter into the articles of agreement in behalf of the University. USE OF WOMEN'S RESIDENCE HALL , T h e following statement: Aside from the provisions of the articles of agreement above given, it will be necessary for the University to provide some means of housing and feeding the .members of the School of Aviation. The Government desires that these students, as far as possible, should live in the same house and be fed in the same building as the one used fo>r their quarters. The Inspector of Aviation Schools did not approve the use of either the Old or the New Armory as a place to house and feed these students. H e is also opposed to the erection of barracks similar to those used at the cantonments. H e was of the opinion that the Aviation School would have the two hundred described as the minimum, and that probably the Government would ask the University to accept additional students. It would be necessary, therefore, if the University is to fulfill these requirements, to have a building large enough to house from two to three hundred students, and adequately equipped for feeding such a number, and free from any hazardous fire risks. The University would be expected to furnish these quarters without charge, but the Government will allow $'i.oo a day for rations for each student during the time he is present in the School. It will be seen that it is quite impossible to hazard a guess as to what the real expense to the University of conducting such a School will be, but it would seem that, owing to the relation of the University to the Federal Government, it could not very well avoid, even if it desired to do so, an attempt at any rate to comply with the requests of the Federal Government in this matter. (2) On motion of Mr. Ward, the President of the University was authorized to take such steps as may satisfy the requirements of the Federal Government, including, if in his judgment it be necessary, the assignment of the Women's Residence Hall to house the members of the School of Military Aeronautics; and he was authorized also to organize a commissary department to take care of the feeding of the men, and to make such appointments- as may be necessary in order to carry out this provision. Mr. Blair requested to be recorded as voting "No" on the assignment of the Women's Residence Hall for this purpose. BIDS ON MUSIC AND EDUCATION BUILDINGS ^* (3) A schedule of bids received on the Smith Music Building and the Education Building, with estimates of the total cost of both of these buildings based on the bids submitted, and of completing the Women's Residence Hall. Professor White explained these bids in detail.
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