Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 373 (For Freshmen) Lillian Helen Lyons T H E PHI BETA KAPPA PRIZE Ethel Gertrude Stephens THE ST. PATRICK'S DAY PRIZE Not Awarded THE THACHER HOWLAND GUILD MEMORIAL PRIZE Not Awarded CONFERENCE MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCHOLARSHIP AND ATHLETICS FOR T H E YEAR 1917 Clyde Gobel Alwood COMMISSIONS IN T H E ILLINOIS NATIONAL GUARD T h e Secretary reported also for record that the following officers of the University Cadet Brigade have received commissions in the Illinois National G u a r d : William O. Nelson Irwin B. Olin John H. Powers Humphreys O. Siegmund William F. Campbell Lloyd W. Chalcraft John T. Lewis Charles A. Britt Robert H. Engle Malcolm D. Roberts John R. Lindsey Leonard L. Davis Harry L. Husson Donald T. Swain B. Manierre Ware Julius N. Johnson Thomas T. McEvoy Harrison G. Overend Christian Gross Percy W. Ott Russel L. McKnown John W. Smith John E. Ott Lambertus Warmolts, Jr. Luther F. Simpson George L. Smith Roland H. Lawrence Lyle Wr Hines Cecil W. B'orton Charles A. Drake Howard C. Geselbracht Tom S. Hamilton George C. Darrell Irwin L. Lummis Edward S. Axline Ivar N. Hultman James L. Crawford Victor A. Pecchia Julien H. Needier Allen C. Wilson The LTniversity Gold Medal has not been awarded. THE HAZELTON GOLD MEDAL Arthur Nicholas Lies T h e Board adjourned. URBANA, ILLINOIS, July, 18, 1917 I certify that in the foregoing pages, numbered 349 to 373, inclusive, is contained the record of the transactions of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at its meeting of June 12, 1917, and at the adjourned session of June 13, 1917, as approved by the Board on July 17, 1917. 4^Um0£uM^i the Board of Secremry of Trustees