Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS T h e Degree of Master of Science $Jl (Conferred February 21, 1917) In Chemistry Ross Earlby Gilmore, A.B., A.M. (McMaster University), In Agronomy Gilbart Hooper Collings, B.S. (Virginia Polytechnic HONORS 1911, 1913 1915 Institute), The Secretary reported also for record that the following honors have been awarded by the University for excejlence in scholarship: THE D E G R E E O F A.B. W I T H HONORS I N THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Beulah Irene Agnew, in English Irene Holbrook Moore, in German Julius Cohen, in Philosophy Mary Lucille Shay, in History Weastell Taylor Doe, in Psychology Ethel Gertrude Stephens, in History Katharine Randall Tener, in Classics SPECIAL HONORS I N THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES In Leon Adler Ivar Ninus Hultman Chemistry George Stuart Monroe Walter Valentine Wirth I N THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Frederick Augustus Brooks Harlan Hammond Edwards Percy Wright Ott Paul Albert Raibourn Humphreys Oliver Siegmund Luther Franklin Simpson I N THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Philip Frank Davis FINAL HONORS I N THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Leon Adler Ivar Ninus Hultman v Adolph Walter Landstrom George Stuart Monroe Walter Valentine Wirth IN THE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND B U S I N E S S ADMINISTRATION Edward Springer Axline Columbus Ferrel Hayes Bradford Reed Battey James Forsyth McCloud Scott McNulta