Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES 35* The Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts In General Courses ( W i t h Thesis) William Grant Lathrop Irene Holbrook Moore H a r r y Louis Pelzer Mary Honora Pendergast Mary Lucille Shay Ethel Gertrude Stephens Katharine Randall Tener (Without Thesis) Margaret Isabelle Doherty *Charles Arthur Drake Lillian Mary Eldridge Eva Lillian Elliott Isabel Gertrude Elliott Esther Annette Engle Merrill Clifford Faulk Grace Bryan Frame Marj'orie Hawkins Genson Maud Alberta Gibbons Sylvia Rose Gibson Charlotte Deana Goldberg Mabel Madellon Gooch Birdie Wilmah Greene Elizabeth Pursel Hackley Chauncey Geyer Hamilton William Jack Hamilton Elizabeth Payne Harris Hannah Hahn Harris ^Herbert Clarence Helm Ralph Ebner Himstedt *Louis Arthur Hoffman Helen Margaret Ann Hollandsworth *Reid Bunn Horney Ching Lee Hsun Edith Elizabeth Hudson Josephine Ladner Hutchison Ralph Imes Ruby Emma Johnson Sherman Little Kell *John George Estill Kipp Bertha May Kirk Nancie Klein Mildred Louise Klincjworth Beulah Irene Agnew Gerald Clifford Baker Hubert Butler Bramlet Viola Brooks Julius Cohen Weastell Taylor Doe Henry Wilbur Kamp Charles Wesley Anderson John Harold Armstrong Helen Miriam Barnes Minnie Bartels Sallie Catherine Battaile Lillian Bertha Bean Norma Elizabeth Bell Mabel Mae Borman Emily Maurine Bowman Mabel Bowman Marian Cummings Boyd George Washington Bristow Albert Willard Brown ''Allen Brookins Brown Elaine Louise Buhrman Ruth Sabina Bumgarner Beulah Burrell Clifford Ketchum Burton Josephine Kathryn Busey Ruth Marie Caldwell Florence Maud Campbell Natalia Margaretta Carson H u n g Lieh Chang Thomas White Chapman Queh King Chen Ethel Alice Collier Grace Collins Irvin Bliss Collins *Edwin Linn Covey Clare Francis Cox Mary Agnes Craigmile Mary Elizabeth Creighton Opal Claree Cunningham Maybelle May Dallenbaeh