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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917} UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 6, 1917 33^ President Edmund J. James, University 6/ Illinois M Y DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S : I beg to call your attention to the need of additional protection in the office of the Cashier. All local receipts of the University, i'neltiding collections on account of fees, sales, etc., together wit'n payments of petty cash vouchers, are handled at this office. T h e average total amount handled per day is about $4,000, of which approximately $1,500 is in currency. Under the present arrangements of the office the Assistant Cashier, who handles the money at the counter, simply has a place in the main office room. It is impossible for us to rest in any reasonable security for the funds on hand, and difficult for the man hatidlmg the funds to properly take care of his work and at the same time guard his money. T o meet these circumstances, it is in my opinion essential that a cashier's cage similar to a teller's cage in a bank be arranged. Such a cage, together with the necessary changes incident to its installatiori, is estimated by the Supervising Architect to cost approximately $200. In addition it is my opinion that burglary insurance shouM be provided, to protect us against robbery within the office, as well as robbery of members of the staff carrying money to and from local banks. T h e cost of an insurance policy for $2,000.00 covering these points for a period of three years will be $130.98. I would therefore recommend that I be authorized to make the office changes above outlined, subject to the approval of the Supervising Architect, and to take out burglary insurance as above proposed, and that an appropriation of $350.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made for this purpose. Cordially yotifS; LLOYD MOREY On motion of Miss Watson, the President of the University was authorized to order the construction of the proposed cage, and to issue such an insurance policy. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans* Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY ON NEVADA STREET (24) A letter from the Comptroller concerning the purchase of properties on West Nevada Street in the city of Urbana. June 6, 1917 President Edmund J. fames, University of Illinois M Y DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S : I beg to advise you that by direction of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the action of the Board on March I 3, 1917, page 252, I have completed the purchase of the following properties on West Nevada Street in the city of Urbana, Illinois:
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