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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
326 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [May i, Schedule 4. RECONCILIATION W I T H UNIVERSITY TREASURER AS AT MARCH 31, 1917 | Add Re| ceipts Treasurer's | Not DeBalance | posited |$ 485,877 16 |$ 1,287 45 2,152 23,334 15,149 107,344 ' k 133 97 02 09 93* 75 • I 1 Deduct | Unpaid \ Warrants |$ 20,431 78 j Business | Office | Balance | Schedule 1 |$ 466,732 83 | | j | | General , United States Agricultural Expeiiment Station United States Smith-Lever Trusts Stores College of Medicine Totals ^Overdraft. I 228 38 $09 88 I 1,804 3,433 931 15,727 133 47 99 72 52 75 348 19.900 14,445 122,562 50 03 75 57* |$ 419,302 06 2,025 71 |$ 42,463 23 |$ 378,864 54 Stores to be covered by reimbursement from State Auditor. Schedule 5 RECONCILIATION W I T H STATE AUDITOR AS AT MARCH 31, 1917 Auditor's Balance Buildings, Land, and EquipmentAdministrative Offices Contingent Expense General Departments Instruction , Physical Plant Research Water Survey and Investigation Totals 8,420 207,106 26,976 196,130 15,939 33,660 11,861 12 26 75 52 87 28 35 Unpaid j Voucheis | 2T00"I"~03~r$ 714 99 j 22,147 12 :| 4,973 74 | 14,347 21 | 4,147 71 | 1,042 54 | 2,172 31 Business Office Balance T28,4l8~S2" 7,705 13f 184,959 14 21,998 01 181,783 31f 11,792 16 32,617 74 9,689 04 j$ 630,514 70 |$ 51,551 65 |$ 578,963 05 * Reported by State Auditor: Buildings, Land, and Equipment $ 131,340.27 Instruction 195,209.80 Warrants 46973-46975 credited on State Auditor's book to Instruction. Adjustment in April. fAdjustment of 10c in error to Administrative Offices fund. To be transferred to Instruction in April.
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