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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
3i6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May i, Schedule 313 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR T H E COLLEGE O F LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES AS AT MARCH 31, 1917 Appropriations and DisburseCredits ments 419,954 55 $ 318,958 23 2,621 50 1,419 86 801 03 650 20 1,061 22 603 19 9,553 48 4,366 89 6,960 58 5,529 06 57,311 48 54,043 66 678 06 305 96 2,649 93 2,108 22 1,803 00 1,540 68 2,200 00 2,148 13 3,942 64 2,525 45 223 00 161 06 300 00 277 88 703 92 522 91 100 00 19 52 2,766 34 2,564 54 175 00 107 87 1,294 80 1,032 72 250 00 154 80 300 00 126 95 7,332 34 5,762 67 7,230 77 3,269 29 2,550 98 7,408 94 1,333 37 3,890 10 Encumbrances 100,996 32 2 00 19 15 55 00 3,819 91 867 82 13,220 46 135 50 221 41 22 65 123 62 983 53 31 15 68 05 1 00 60 32 99 58 69 00 1,079 73 1,776 25 2,197 20 274 20 3,304 74 Salaries Administration Art and Design Asti onomy Bacteriology Botany Chemistry Classics ••.. Education English Entomology Geology German History | Mathematics Philosophy ... Physiology : Political Science Psychology Romance Languages Sociology Zoology , Classical Museum Museum of European CultureNatural History Museum Totals, Schedule 31 *Overdraft. |$ 541,512 68 |$ 412,084 09 |$ 126,123 85 |$
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