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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
igiy] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 3" Military Equipment Orchestra Concerts Printograph Equipment Rebates to Students Receptions and Social Functions Retiiing Allowance Smith Farms Towel Sytsems Semi-Centennial Celebration.. Totals, Schedule 31 ^Overdraft. Schedule 311—(Continued} AppropriaI tions and Disburse- | Credits ments | 1,800 00 4,994 73 5,000 00 1,440 39 2,600 00 7,031 61 10,032 20 1,000 2,616 8,944 2,000 5,000 00 60 36 00 00 1,872 7,378 1,126 358 63 87 56 26 20 I Encum| brances | 167 04 | 894 75 | Balances 1,632 5 264 3,000 96 27 86 59 1 1 1 1 1 999 37 1,515 80 873 74 4,641 80 52,711 92 743 73 | . 50 00 | |$ 222,215 18 |$ 142,974 74 |$ 26,528 52 |$ Schedule 312 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR T H E AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND E X P E R I M E N T STATION AS AT MARCH 31, 1917 Appropriations and Credits 7,244 0-5 $ 4,925 72 9,000 00 15,175 21,116 3,000 200,288 149,036 143,619 98,788 25,990 16,286" 1,200 4,028 1,584 3,000 1,500 5,000 27,900 2,700 12,000 72 62 00 96 04 11 36 93 40 00 28 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 Disbursements 4,296 14 Encumbrances $ Balances 2,947 91 4,925 72 9,000 00 860 947 3,000 37,062 4,640 24,075 17,785 4,415 2,289 609 4,028 71 3,000 24 797 9,755 1,335 48 00 09" 00 03 92 95 44 84* 95 65 28 77* 00 30 35 19 62 21 Buildings ; | $ Clinic Building 1912-13 Cold Storage 1912-13 Departments Administration Poultry Plant Agronomy (Schedule 3121) Animal Husbandry (Sch. 3122) Dairy Husbandry (Sch. 3123) Horticulture (Schedule 3124) Household Science 10,999 41 $ 16,692 87 128,417 126,447 106,208 64,893 23,060 12,239 590 38 95 75 12 78 60 35 3,316 31 3,476 66 34,809 17,947 13,334 16,109 7,345 1,756 55 17 41 80 99 85 Smith-Lever Administration.... S-L Veterinary Science Hatch Administration S-L County Agents S-L Farm Management S-L Home Economics Totals, Schedule 31 * Overdraft. 1,457 80 1,025 2,827 17,176 1,244 9,568 70 65 08 38 13 198 00 450 1,375 968 120 1,383 00 00 73 00 66 |$ 752,384 22 |$ 527,146 09 |$ 102,592 13 [$ 122,646 00
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