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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

300 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May i, May i, 1917 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR M R . PRESIDENT: At a special meeting held on April 30, 1917, the University Senate voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the following requirements for graduation in the College of Medicine. T h e paragraphs numbered 1 to 4 cover the present requirements of the College of Medicine. The paragraph numbered 5 embodies the new requirement of the Illinois State Board of Health, that all medical students matriculating after July 1, 1917, and graduating after June 30, 1922, shall complete a hospital year, in order to qualify for a permanent license to practise medicine in the State of Illinois. A candidate for graduation from the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois must meet the following requirements: 1. H e must be at least twenty-one years of age. 2. H e must have presented acceptable evidence of good moral character. 3. H e must have paid all indebtedness to the college. 4. H e must have completed a prescribed curriculum of the College of Medicine, comprising four years, of thirty-six weeks each, of work in medical subjects. Students admitted to advanced standing from other medical schools will not be given full time credit for any year of less than thirtytwo v/eeks of actual work. The candidate must obtain satisfactory credits in all required subjects and pass his final examinations in accordance with the rules laid down by the faculty. T h e last year of work must have been taken in the University of Illinois College of Medicine. 5. Persons matriculating as first-year medical students for the year beginning October 1, 1917, or thereafter, after completing satisfactorily the four-year curriculum referred to above (in paragraph 4) must complete satisfactorily a hospital course of not less than twelve months' duration in a hospital approved by the faculty of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois, before receiving the diploma of Doctor of Medicine. In order to be eligible for an interneship in an approved hospital in Illinois a candidate must pass the regular examination of the Illinois State Board of Health and receive from that Board a "limited license", authorizing him "to practice medicine or surgery in a hospital approved by the Illinois State Board of Health and in no other place whatsoever in this state, said limited license to remain in force and effect for a period not exceeding eighteen months from date of issue of same." (Shedule of Minimum Requirements for Medical Colleges in good standing with the Illinois State Board of Health as amended January 27, 1917). The diploma for the degree of Doctor of Medicine will be issued on the presentation of satisfactory evidence that the hospital year has been acceptably completed. The rules of the Illinois State Board of Health make the following provision for the issuance of the permanent license: "At the expiration of the limited license and surrender of same, or
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