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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

298 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May i, haps make a contribution toward the expense of instruction necessary to carry on the School of Aviation, but nothing definite has been decided in this matter, and if the University goes into it we shall have to go in rather blindly, depending on instructions from the Federal Government as to what to do next. On motion of Mrs. Henrptin, the President of the University was authorized to organize such an aviation school at the University along the lines suggested by the Federal authorities, and to assign to the work of instruction such members of the staff as may be necessary. PURCHASE OF BOOKS FOR PROFESSOR OLMSTEAD (10) The following statement: Dr. A. T. Olmstead has been appointed Professor of History beginning September i, 1917. It has been our custom, when men have been appointed to a new field, to make a special appropriation for equipment or books in that department. Professor Olmstead has sent in a request for books, the cost of which totals $2,119. I think the request is reasonable. On motion of Miss Watson, the University Librarian was authorized to purchase the list of books submitted at a cost not to exceed $2,119. The vote was as.i follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT IN DENTISTRY (11) A statement from Professor James M. White indicating the estimated cost of the changes in the Dental building necessary to provide for the adequate care of the present senior class and the entering class. These changes include special dental equipment consisting of chairs, etc., costing about $8,000. These are necessary in order to take care of the members of the present senior class. The laboratory fixtures and equipment necessary for the additional instruction to be given incident to the increase of the course from three years to four is estimated at $3,000. The structural changes in the building necessary in order to construct the laboratory and provide suitable space for the chairs will cost about $io,ooo. Considering the rising price of materials and the increase in wages, Professor White estimates that the total minimum cost is $21,000, with a good chance of its running nearer to $25,000. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the President of the University was authorized to proceed with the structural changes, and to purchase the necessary laboratory fixtures and special dental equipment. The vote was; as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Wat-
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