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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I9X7] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 251 letic interests now located on Illinois Field be transferred to the new field just east of the Illinois Central railroad. The Athletic Association in a letter signed by W. A. Behel, President, and A. A. Odell, Secretary, states its willingness to transfer activities as proposed, and offers to give the University a deed to twenty acres of land for the new site, provided the Trustees are willing to add to the twenty acres the ttn acres lying to the south, constituting the whole an athletic field, and provided they will carry out the improvements suggested by P r o fessor White in the following letter: President DEAR SIR: Edmund J. James, 355 Administration March 10, 1917 Building W e have made the following estimates of the cost of equipping the new Illinois Field on the basis of building a baseball grand stand of reinforced concrete which will seat 2,200 people, utilizing the space under it* which is of sufficient height for locker and bathrooms. The present baseball grand stand which is fitted with chairs has a capacity for 2,500 people. The present baseball stand and the west football bleachers would be moved and re-erected, but the east football bleachers would not stand moving. T h e Athletic Association has, taking account of depreciation, an equity of about $2000 in that stand. It would be valuable in its present location in connection with class games and such events as the Interscholastic circus, May Pole, and other outdoor festivities. In figuring for the grading of the field, we have set the diamond and the gridiron 0/ 6" above the storm water outlet in the block to the north of the field and 2' above the general surface of the platted area immediately to the north of it. The detailed estimates are as follows: Grading 1 Sub drainage Water system for sprinkling Fencing Moving bleachers Equity in east bleachers Baseball stand and field house, including space both varsity and class teams reinforced concrete plumbing lighting heating $ 8,500.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 $12,100.00 8,000,00 6,000.00 2,000.00 for $17,600.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,400.00 22,500.00 $50,600.00 If the University does the work contemplated above, the Athletic Association would still have to duplicate the east bleachers on the new site and I am in hopes that they can begin a section of a permanent stadium. I have not included anything for the furniture in the field house, assuming that
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