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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
236 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 21, =>i. T h a t these subjects be included in List C of subjects accepted for admission to the University. 2. That no credit be given for either shorthand or typewriting if taken alone. 3. That one unit of credit be given for work in shorthand and typewriting occupying not less than two periods daily of forty minutes each for one year of thirty-six weeks, the standard of attainment at the end of the year to be 75 words per minute in dictation and 25 words per minute in transcription on the machine of such dictation, with accuracy in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphing, and attention to the care of the machine, methods of copying, manifolding, etc. 4. That two units of credit be given for work in shorthand and typewriting occupying not less than two periods daily of forty minutes each for two years of thirty-six weeks each, the standard of attainment to be 100 words per minute in dictation and 35 words per minute in the transcription on the machine of such dictation, with accuracy in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphing, and attention to care of machine, methods of copying, manifolding, etc. 5. That one-half unit of credit be given for work in commercial arithmetic occupying not less than five periods of forty minutes each week for one-half year of eighteen weeks, with daily preparation; the standard attainment being accuracy and speed in all kinds of ordinary business computations in accordance with a fixed time limit for both oral and written w o r k ; but with the proviso that this study must follow algebra and geometry in the high school course to entitle the student carrying it to the entrance credit proposed. Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Clerk of the Senate On ,motion of Mr. Hoit, the recommendations were approved. DEGREES CONFERRED (9) A recommendation from the University Senate that the President of the University be authorized to confer certain degrees. February 13, 1917 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR M R . PRESIDENT: At its meeting of February 12, 1917, the University senate voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that degrees be conferred as follows: Graduate School Albert Washington Marker, Master of Arts Gilbeart Hooper Collings, Master of Science Ross Earlby Gilmore, Master of Science College of Liberal Arts and Sciences George Charles Blohm, Bachelor of Arts
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