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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 24, Schedule 318 (Continued) AppropriaDisburseEncumtions and Balances ments brances Credits 7,000 00 2,507 03 4,492 97 75 00 General Operation 5,394 09 10 15 5,329 24* 13,000 00 Grounds 6,281 37 6,718 63 72,024 18 37,612 83 393 50 34,017 85 4,000 00 Police and Watchmen 2,500 68 1,499 32 2,000 00 Physical Plant Storeroom 1,978 77 21 23 2,023 65 1,312 76 Supervising Architect's Office.... 22 95 687 94 3,000 00 1,912 39 Telephone Exchange ... [ 1,087 61 Tools and Equipment : 1,000 00 1,124 53 124 53* Water Station 2,239 00 1,259 89 979 11 Totals | (212,120 58) (115,594 36) (11,963 76) (84,562 46) General Equipment 4,819 40 7,500 00 2,643 75 36 85 Furniture and Fixtures 5,000 00 5,000 00 Entomology Cases $ 273,692 64 $ 135,013 71 $ 49,088 82 $ 89,590 11 Totals, Schedule 31 *Overdraft. Schedule 319 STATEMENT OF T H E A P P R O P R I A T I O N S FOR LAND AND BUILDINGS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1916 Appropriations and Credits Land Ceramics Building Chemistry Building Education Building Feeding Plant Horticulture Field LaboratoryMechanical Engineering Laboratory Reconstruction ..... Music Hall Pharmacy Building Vivarium Woman's Residence Hall New Library Totals, Schedule 31 46,000 00 12,000 00 49,000 00 60,000 00 25,000 00 40,000 00 30,000 75,000 36,850 28,000 100,029 00 00 00 00 00 Disbursements 46,000 11,225 32,300 3,111 00 37 64 84 Encumbrances 1,012 84 14,743 66 5,673 05 695 40 28,089 08 9,406 70 5,400 74 16,061 07 69,166 301 992 41 6,246 15 37,598 93 4,643 26 30,862 70 102 50 $ 501,879 00 |$ 173,083 80 |$ 150,248 84 |$ 178,546 36 *Overdraft. r fTotal $115,419.17; balance 1917--18.
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