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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
W7] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 223 Schedule 315 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1916 Appro pria- | tions and | DisburseCredits I ments Salaries Scholars and Fellows Administration General Publications Illinois Historical Survey Journal of English and Germanic Philology Scandinavian Manuscripts Special Monographs University Studies Library Equipment Unassigned Bloomfield Loomis Barton Blondheim , Fairlie Fitz-Gerald . Gillett : Moore Schoepperle Seymour , Williams " Totals Research Unassigned .... Bayley ......... Forbes Stevens Stebbins Trelease Ward Washburn Zeleny Bentley Blondheim Burge Hottes McDougall MacKenzie Shelford Hudson Bay Expedition Municipal Research Bureau Totals Totals, Schedule 31.. $ 7,800 00 $ 24,500 00 1,561 48 I 700 00 4,000 00 1,500 00 435 05 1,500 00 6,670 31 695 00 8 64 218 00 75 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 300 00 150 00 150 00 30 00 1 5 00 .0 (2,526 64) 2,225 93 295 00 105 40 36 40 260 00 330 09 14 97 50 00 7 25 350 00 55 00 300 00 350 00 13000 85 00 250 00 90 32 270 55 (5,205 73) $ 56,399 21 $ | j I Encumbrances 3,960 00 15,245 00 26 75 1,260 65 20 40 00 2,148 50 3,840 00 $ 9,255 00 762 88 63 29 2,467 48 796 67 403 99 3 30 2,760 32 8 64 4 56 10 89 28 00 9 97 14 91 73 47 81 213 87 75 00 238 73 240 262 60 65 30 03 25 00 85 00 43^ 38 222 00 22 84 16 53 83 34 (15125)| (1,185 73) 294 09 5 40 11 20 143 34 138 86 14 06 7 25 47 00 200 00 55 00 275 75 78 18 188 50 90 32 55 55 (1,302 50) 21,806 68 |$ 50 00 126 00 13 50 (491 50) 24,358 33 *Overdraft.
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