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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Schedule 31 SUMMARY OF A P P R O P R I A T I O N S AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1916 217 DisburseEncumBalances ments | brances Administration and General (Schedule 311) $ 218,728 40 $ 91,071 50 $ 54,306 25 $ 73,350 65 177,884 42 Agriculture (Schedule 312) 704,892 93 343,399 97 183,608 54 Liberal Arts and Sciences (Schedule 313) 539,889 00 260,705 39 253,308 88 25,874 73 Engineering (Schedule 314) 368,697 35 160,891 99 156,019 91 51,785 45 21,806 68 Graduate School (Schedule 315). 56,399 21 24,357 33 10,235 20 Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy (Schedule 316) 246,359 94 111,943 05 85,491 86 48,925 03 Other Schools and Departments (Schedule 317) 393,301 98 174,415 77 141,801 91 77,084 30 Physical Plant (Schedule 318) 273,692 64 | 135,013 71 89,590 11 49,088 82 ! Land and Buildings I 173,083 80 150,248 84 178,546 36 (Schedule 319) 501,879 00 Totals, Schedule 3 |$3303,840 45 |$1472,331 61 ($1092,508 22 ($739,000 37 Appropriations and Credits Schedule 311 STATEMENT OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL E X P E N S E S AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1916 Appropria- | tions and | Credits j Administrative Offices Salaries Board of Trustees President's Office Vice President's Office Business Office Registrar's Office Legal Counsel Adviser to Foreign StudentsCouncil of Administration University Senate Dean of Men Dean of Women High School Visitor Information Office Publications General Alumni Quarterly Directory of Matriculants Press Bulletin Students Handbook University History General Expenses Convocations and Commence- ment Eugenics Investigation High School Oratorical Contest. Incidentals Lectures Military Equipment Orchestra Concerts 74,186 59 7,090 00 5,033 35 500 00 6,031 59 Disbursements . 38,540 60 4,015 35 2,938 98 219 27 4,006 82 4,478 08 233 07 53 50 55 05 9 16 3,072 15 382 61 1,835 35 2,575 39 6,445 78 500 00 4,701 34 317 43 300 00 I Encumbrances 35,645 99 v 51 45 20 80 108 89 399 07 12 00 28 50 40 00 2 00 225 50 60 50 30 00 Balances 6,398 76 500 00 200 00 750 00 100 00 6,725 00 725 20 4,823 90 2,793 62 12,000 00 1,000 00 8,051 47 1,059 77 300 00 3,000 00 3,023 20 2,073 57 280 73 1,915 88 1,521*1 254 93 118 00 654 95 89 84 3,427 35 282 09 2,958 55 218 23 6,482 00 I4OO 89 22 927 78* 500 00 3,349 13 653 12 3,000 00 1,049 48 750 00 400 00 '36,113 91 3,001 50 1,800 00 5,000 00 658 186 39 1,310 33 61 77 56 31 85 251 90 138 97 563 23 360 44 28,264 53 2,967 65 1,800 00 35 07 6,539 07 2,331 43 2,633 50
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