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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Funds j University and Federal General U. S. Agricultural Exp't Station U. S. Smith-Lever State Buildings and Land Administrative. Offices General Departments Instruction Research Physical Plant Contingent Expense Water Survey and Investigation „ Total Schedule 3 DISBURSEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1916 Sched. 313 | Sched. 311 Sched. 314 Sched. 315 | Adminis- Sched. 312 Liberal Arts and AgriEngiGraduate jtration and Sciences culture neering | General School 6,004 32 $ 3,577 01 $ Sched. 316|Sched. 317 1 Medicine, ] Other j Sched. 3181 Sched. 319 Dent, and | Schools & Physical | Land and Plant | Buildings Pharmacy j Departm'ts 4,073 90 $ 1,361 311$ 39,52101 $ 133,724 911$ 18,560 26 $ 43,125 42 $ 14,328 911 24,321 961 14,328 91 24,321 96 1,600 48 $ 15,901 20 $ 133,649 811 j 1,876 50 12,959 92| 12 959 92] 1 $1472,33186]$ 91,07150 $343,399 97 $260,705 39 $160,891 99 $ 21,806 68 $111,943 05 $174,415 77|$135,013 71]$173,083 80 60 6,592 80 129,183 021 3825 53,185 221 53,018 62 62,787 54j 7,393 14 66 84 825,663 17| 168 75 257,629 60 254,619 43 379 49 41,048 551 17 36 3,576 34 137,797 35] 37,33131] .11,913 37 14 80 212 50 33 136,569 34 20,744 71 299 21 19,906 99 78,324 91 57120 16,933 24 127 70 55,327 56 95,333 89 | 128,970 52 32] 2 27] 2,715 77 T« al, Schedule 1. $1730,508 07)
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