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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 199 a. That the University recognize its responsibility in this matter by coming under the State Workmen's Compensation Act rather than by attempting to establish any independent plan of its own. b. That if the University should either be adjudged to be already under the Act or elect to come under it, it should insure its liability thereunder in a casualty company, as it may do under Section 26 of the Act. c. That in taking out casualty insurance in accordance with recommendation 2, the University should at the same time insure its students against accidents or injuries incurred in laboratories or shops or in the course of instruction in military science. Such casualty insurance against injuries to students is carried at the present time by several American universities and colleges. d. That the appropriation bills submitted to the next General Assembly contain, among the items for which the appropriations are made, compensation for injuries to employees or students. The committee estimates that the cost of such insurance for the last year would have been somewhere between fifteen hundred and three thousand dollars. This estimate is based on the study of the rates actually paid by some twelve American colleges and universities which reported to: the committee on the subject. This committee was appointed October 26, 1915, and made its preliminary report on March 21, 1916. Since this preliminary report, the Courts have decided that the University does not come under the Workmen's Compensation Act at all, and it is a question whether it may choose to do so or not. This has now been put up to the Counsel of the University for his opinion, and the matter will be brought to the attention of the Board again. No action was taken in this nlatter. SITE FOR CLINICAL BUILDING (11) I desire to call the attention of the B'oard again to the fact that it is necessary for the University to proceed with the erection of a clinical building as rapidly as possible. The President of the Board made a statement of progress which he was making in the acquisition of the Ball Park site. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the Executive Committee was authorized to acquire and purchase a site for a clinical building as soon as possible, and to proceed with the preparation of plans for such a building. WAGES OF JANITORS (12) A letter from the Supervising Architect, Professor James M. White, recommending that the hourly wage rate for janitors and men in the department of grounds in the employ of the University be increased by approximately ten per cent, making the advances one, two, or three cents an hour, taking into consideration the efficiency and length of service of the men in deciding who shall have the larger advances, H e urges that
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