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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
198 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 24, Mr: Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Mr. Ward; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson. TYPHOID IMMUNIZATION FOR STUDENTS (9) A letter from the Registrar in the matter of the immunization of students registered in laboratory work against typhoid fever. January 23, 1917 President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois DEAR M R . PRESIDENT : On May 27, 1916, the Board of Trustees adopted the following regulation : "Employees of the University of Illinois whose duties require them to handle food products shall be required to be immunized against typhoid fever." This regulation appears to safeguard us pretty thoroly against the development of an epidemic of typhoid which could be charged to the University, except at one point, namely, with respect to the students enrolled in the courses in dairy manufactures and in lunch-room management, who, of course, as a part of their work, handle various food products, but who are not employees, inasmuch as they receive no pay for the work done as a part of their laboratory instruction, and are not, therefore, covered by the foregoing regulation. T o safeguard this point I beg leave to recommend, at the suggestion of Dr. J. H. Beard, University Health Officer, and with the concurrence of the heads of the University departments concerned, namely, Professor H . A. Harding of the department of dairy husbandry, and Professor Isabel Bevier, of the department of household science, that the regulation be amended to read as follows: "Employees of the University of Illinois whose duties require them to handle food products, and students registered in courses the laboratory work of which involves the handling of food products which are later to be used for human consumption shall be required to be immunized against typhoid fever." Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Registrar On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved. COMPENSATION FOR INJURED EMPLOYEES (10) A report of the committee on compensation for injuries incurred by employees of the University in the performance of their duties. This committee consisted of Mr. C. M. McConn, chairman, Judge O. A. Harker, legal counsel of the University, Mr. H. D. Oberdorfer of the Supervising Architect's office, and Professors J. A. Fairlie and R. E. Heilman. Their recommendations a r e :
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