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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 181 November 18, 1916. The Irish Fellowship Foundation of Chicago has guaranteed this salary for the year, and also two hundred dollars for traveling expenses. Of this sum the club has paid in three hundred dollars, and Father O'Kelleher is now at work at the University. This report was received for record. OFFERS OF PROPERTY IN IJRBANA (3) A statement from the Supervising Architect that the Sparks property lying next east of the Botany Annex on the south side of Springfield avenue is for sale and can probably be purchased at a reasonable price. This property is 132 feet square, extending from the Interurban right of way to the property line on Springfield avenue. Fie also states that Mrs. Brewer wants to sell her property on the northeast corner of the intersection of Illinois street and Mathews avenue. The vacant corner lot (60 feet frontage on Mathews and 100 feet frontage on Illinois) may be bought for five thousand dollars. The next property facing Mathews avenue immediately north of this vacant lot (60 feet on Mathews, and 100 feet deep, the house containing thirteen double bed-rooms with three toilets and two bath-rooms in addition to the general rooms of the house), is priced at eight thousand dollars. T h e property on Illinois street, viesxt to the vacant; lot, has a frontage of 43 feet with a depth of 120 feet, the house has sixteen rooms in all, of which ten are double bed-rooms and one a single room. T h e price of this property is seven thousand dollars. These three lots extend 120 feet on Mathews avenue and 143 feet on Illinois street. T h e property is for sale at twenty thousand dollars. No action was taken in this matter. T I T L E S OF M I L I T A R Y ATTACHES (4) A recommendation that the title of assistant professor of military science and art and assistant commandant be given to the additional officers recently assigned to the Military department of the University of Illinois by the W a r Department; namely, Captains Joseph H. Barnard, William J. Davis, Clement A. Trott, and Robert R. Welshimer. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was approved. DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED FOUR TIMES A YEAR (5) A communication from Mr. C. M. McConn, Clerk of the Senate, transmitting a recommendation of the Senate that degrees be conferred in August, October, and February, as well as in June. December 6, 1916 Dr. Edmund J. James DEAR M R . PRESIDENT: The University Senate, at its meeting of December 4, 1916, voted to transmit to the Board of Trustees, with its endorsement, the following recommendations from the Council of Administration, proposing that degrees be conferred in August, October, and February, as well as in June. j . That students who complete their work at the end of the first semes-
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