Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 22, ried an under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. This request was granted. EMPLOYER'S L I A B I L I T Y The following statement: I desire to call the attention of the Board especially to the necessity of making some provision for the compensation for injuries to employees and students. T h e decision of the courts in the North case relieves the University from all legal responsibility, but that does not lessen the moral responsibility in view of the changing public sentiment on all such matters. It will be necessary to have legislative action on this matter if anything is done. (17) The President of the University was requested to present a report on this subject to the Board. FIRE IN PHYSICS BUILDING (18) A report from the office of the Supervising Architect that on November 14 a fire occurred in the experimental switch board at the Physics building. The rubber insulation was burned. There was no damage except to the wiring. T h e fire was promptly put out by the use of hand extinguishers and it will probably not be possible to determine the exact cause of the trouble. This report was received for record. SITE FOR C L I N I C A L BUILDING T h e following statement: It is quite necessary that a site for the Clinical building of the College of Medicine should be obtained as soon as possible if the University is not to suffer seriously from the lack of clinical facilities. There are several possible sites, but the most desirable one, in my opinion, would be the baseball park lying immediately south of the Cook County hospital. But if this cannot be acquired active steps should be taken to acquire some other site, as the matter is very urgent. (19) No action was taken in this matter. FOUNDATIONS, MUSIC AND EDUCATION BUILDINGS (20) A letter from the Supervising Architect concerning the contracts for the foundation work on the Music building and the Education building. November 21, 1916 President E. / . James, 355 Administration Building DEAR SIR: The following bids were received on November 14 for the foundation work on the Music building and the Education building: Name Musk Bldg. Education Bldg. Both Bldgs. A. W. Stoolman $10,501 $8,604 $16,987 English Bros 8,900 6,700 iS,Soo King & Butcher 9,403 7,288 16,691