Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 175 would cost, if dgne properly, upwards of fifteen or twenty thousand dollars. He thinks that this entire sum could be collected by the sale of tickets of admission to, say three performances of this pageant, which should be given out of doors and be a dramatic representation of the real life and significance of the University. It was the sense of the Board that the committee would do well to incorporate as one of the features of the celebration of the anniversary a pageant of the general form suggested by Mr. Langdon. SHORT COURSE IN PLANT PATHOLOGY (12) A recommendation from Dr. Frank L. Stevens, Professor of Plant Pathology, endorsed by Dr. Kendric C. Babcock, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, that the University offer a short course in the diseases of plants relating to their keeping and quality during transportation and storage, similar to the short course offered last year, to extend from December 4, noon, to December 16, noon; that a fee of $5 be charged each student entering this course; and that this money or so much thereof as may be necessary be used in supplying materials, paying assistants, and covering the other expenses connected with the course. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was approved. PROPOSED SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE (13) A communication from the American Institute of Architects urging that where a school of architecture is in any way under control of a college or an allied school it should be freed from such control and be made an independent professional school. No action was taken in this matter. EXPLOSION IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY (14) A statement from the office of the Supervising Architect that an accident occurred on October 26 in the research laboratory of Doctor Noyes, room 108 in the old part of the Chemistry building, the damage done being about fifteen dollars. This statement was received for record. LABORATORY FEE IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE (15) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that the laboratory fee in Household Science 10 be changed from two dollars to one dollar, and that the laboratory fee in Household Science 5a-5b be changed from two dollars to three dollars. This recommendation was approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR BAGLEY (16) A request from Professor W. C. Bagley for leave of absence for four weeks, beginning November 25, 1916, without pay, to enable him to complete his share in the study of teachers' training which has been car-