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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
958 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 13, In Animal Wilbur Jerome Carmichael, B.S., 1913. James Bruce Henderson, B.S., 1916. William Algernon Kingsmill Morkel, A.B., 1915. Julius Edward Nordby, B.S., University of Idaho, 1915. In La Force Bailey, B.S., 1915. In Ceramic Ralph Raymond Danielson, B.S., 1914. Frank Allen Kirkpatrick, B.S., 1914. Husbandry. James Wilbur Whisenand, B.S.., University of Nebraska, 1914. David Willard Williams, B.S., Ohio State University, 1915. Architecture. Engineering. Arthur Edward Williams, B.S., 1910. In Chemistry, Don Warren Bissell, B.S., New Hamp- Walter Gerald Karr, B.S.Y Alfred Unishire College, 1914. versity, 1913. Frederick North Crawford, B.S., WesHenry Rhodes Lee, A.B., Carroll Colley an University, 1908. lege, 1914. Carl Nathan Davidson, A.B., Lawrence Harold Alvin Levey, B.E., Tulane UniCollege, 1914. versity, 1911. Edward Adelbert Doisy, A.B., 1914. Stewart Dent Marquis, A.B., Lake Forest Frank F. Footitt, A.B., Albion College, College, 1911. 1914. Robbins Russel, B.S., Illinois College, Jay Thomas Ford, A.B., DePauw Uni1914. versity, 1914. Albert Durand Shepard, B.S., South DaWilliam Durrell Hatfield, B.S., Illinois kota State College, 1914. College, 1914. Nim Chi Shum, B.S., 1914. John Frederick Gross Hicks, B.S., UniTerrence Onas Westhafer, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1906. versity of Oklahoma, 1914. In Civil Engineering. Kaimin Kay Feng, B.S., 1915. . Jackson Heath Wilkinson, B.S., 1915. Kozaburo Mise, C.E., Tokyo Imperial James Fook Omm Yapp, B.S., 1915. University, 1911. In Dairy Bacteriology. Harrison August Ruehe, B.S., 1911. Engineering. Walter Arthur Gatward, B.S., Washington State College, 1913. Tane Kawamoto. In Entomology. Clyde Carney Hamilton, B.S., Kansas Lewis Bradford Ripley, B.S., Trinity ColState Agricultural College, 1913. lege, 1915. Joseph Lyonel King, B.S., Ohio State University, 1914. In Geology. Mason Kent Read, B.S., Denison University, 1914. In Horticulture. James Alfred Crawford, B.S., Cornell University, 1915. In Household Science. Marie Breese Miller, B.S. Ohio State University, 1911. In Mechanical Engineering. Walter Jacob Wohlenberg, B.S., UniLester Clyde Lichty, B.S, University of Nebraska, 1913. versity of Nebraska, 1910. William Penn Lukens, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1913. In Pathology and Bacteriology (Medicine). Frederick Howard Falls, B.S., University of Chicago, 1908, M.D., Poish Medical College, 1910. In Physics. Harry Tyler Booth, B.S., Carleton College, 1915. In Railway Mechanical Everett Gillham Young, B.S., 1913. Engineering. In Electrical Carl Shipman Breese, B.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1912. In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Andrew John Albert Anderson, B.S., Jasper Owen DrafRn, B.S., University of Lewis Institute, 1913, B.S., M.S., 1915. Vermont, 1913. Raymond Earl Davis, B.S., C.E., University of Maine, 1911, 1914.
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